Title: Letters Pairing: Sungyeol/Hoya Rating: PG Summary: E-mail letters between Hoya and Sungyeol, post-disbandment. oo2. of the 100 infinite fic challenge. Word count: ~520
:'( is it bad that i was kinda bothered when u made SungYeol's email address kim.sy b/c his actual last name is lee...? >_<" *gets bricked* anyway i like this! :) short & bittersweet.
i really love when fics do this whole secret text deal ;-; idk what it is about them, this was a really great piece. it forces you to read it a second time and it further helped to clarify it all.
it had different dimensions to it and i'm really happy i read it now and not later bc i might not hace been up to reading it again lol. but your writing just keeps up the good quality so i'm looking forward to more
Comments 30
is it bad that i was kinda bothered when u made SungYeol's email address kim.sy b/c his actual last name is lee...?
>_<" *gets bricked*
anyway i like this! :) short & bittersweet.
sungyeol's response was completely unexpected, but you can't expect all things in life to go smoothly.
keep up your strength! i know you can make it through the rest of the challenges!!!! :D
Thanks! You've been posting so fast haha here's to hoping I don't run out of steam~
it had different dimensions to it and i'm really happy i read it now and not later bc i might not hace been up to reading it again lol. but your writing just keeps up the good quality so i'm looking forward to more
Thanks for reading ;~~~;
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