Title: The (Not So Exciting) Adventures of Lee Sandal Pairing: Sandeul-centric Rating: PG Summary: In which Sandeul turns into another inanimate object. Any guesses? Word count: ~1,300
ohmahgahhh~. ANOTHER ONE. I though it was a typo when I clicked the title, but no. You turned him into a sandal. I thought you got it from that one B1A4 joke... "CNU let me Baro your Sandeuls?" trololololol. Anyway. I love it all. I was totally grinning the whole time. Why am I so in love with your crack b1a4? I will never know. My favorite line: “We have to keep Jinyoung hyung away from the computer!” he explains. “Remember? Last time he clicked on that druggie homepage and the police tracked us down and tried to arrest CNU hyung.” OTL that was amazing. XD
omg i have never read that joke before but whoever thought of it is a genius. b1a4 make it so incredibly easy to bully them via crackfic :3 because they are adorable. especially sandeul :3
Comments 23
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...LMAO oh dear. SANDAL :D he would make a cute pair of sandals. i would buy them. :3
and but of course kekeke the world needs jindeul :'D otp :'D and mischievous baro too :'D
throws you hearts ♥♥♥
Anyway. I love it all. I was totally grinning the whole time. Why am I so in love with your crack b1a4? I will never know.
My favorite line:
“We have to keep Jinyoung hyung away from the computer!” he explains. “Remember? Last time he clicked on that druggie homepage and the police tracked us down and tried to arrest CNU hyung.”
OTL that was amazing. XD
omg i have never read that joke before but whoever thought of it is a genius. b1a4 make it so incredibly easy to bully them via crackfic :3 because they are adorable. especially sandeul :3
thanks for reading and commenting ♥
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