Title: Enough For Now
queenb23moreRequestor: mugglemama
Claim: # 76 - the night before Hermione leaves for Hogwarts without Ron
Pairing: Ron/Hermione
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: sexual content, language
Notes: A most heartfelt thanks to the magnificent
grownuphermione for being the most awesome beta ever.
Enough For Now )
Comments 24
This is a beautiful moment between Ron and Hermione! They were just perfect... I loved Ron's declaration and Hermione's need for more (emotionally and physically)! :)
mugglemama (Previously posting here as mama3xmen)
I can see this happening with them, going slowly but letting love leads their steps on their relationship.
And their new lovers reations so good described! :)
I don´t know, but would you mind if I rec this on Checkmated forum?
And of course you can rec it! Thank you! *blushes*
The link is here:
Smutty Fic Recs on the Restricted section
Many kisses and hope to read more R&Hr sweet moments from you! :) :*
I really liked the way Hermione came to understand what Ron needed to do at this time. He is so much more than he thinks. I think Hermione takes as much pleasure in Ron's accomplishments as Ron does.
I'm glad they stuck with heavy petting as sex at this point really would have made things so hard on both of them, great insight. After all time seems to stand still when you want something and can't have it. The fact is they will both miss each other so much I know that absence will make their hearts grow fonder.
To be honest, I usually think of them as rushing into a physical relationship after having waited so long, but then I thought about it more and have changed my mind, much more in line with this. Besides, if I was Hermione, I really don't think I could leave after having had Ron in my arms and bed, you know?! *giggle*
*fans self*
This was an excellent characterization of Ron and Hermione. A very sweet and enthusiastic moment between recent boyfriend/grilfriend. :)
That's an excellent job!
This is a departure from my earlier thoughts that they 'did stuff' right away, but I've changed my thoughts on it and now don't think they rushed into anything physical, no matter how much they wanted to. And of course, Hermione wanted to. *winks*
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