Title: Special Author: Ani Rating: G Pairings: Chiitaro, slight!Yamajima Summary: Chinen's best friend asked him to make Morimoto Ryutaro fall for him. Disclaimer: I don't own JE
I'm death serious wanting chinen to fall for Ryutaro... I really want to see him reply Ryutaro confession... Please make a sequel, ne...*puppy eye attack*
a cliffhanger!!!!! O.O Ryuu has already fallen for chii seriously!!!!
I went numb as his arms wrapped around my shoulders and he pressed his warmth against my back. “W-what are you doing?” I tried to tell myself it was just a simple hug, he’s hugged me plenty of times before, in front of Yuuto and Ryosuke to show that we were ‘going out’ but with every second that passed, I could feel my face heating up because it didn’t feel like a normal hug.
“Didn’t you say you would make me fall for you in one month?” His breath tickled my ears and made goosebumps rise on my arms.
“I wasn’t being serious about that,” I mumbled. It was true, I only said that on an impulse to get him to agree on dating me. Then I realized the implication behind his words. “W-wait, Ryutaro, you didn’t really-?”
“And what if I did?” My insides melted when I saw the affection in Ryutaro’s eyes. And OMG I love their rabu-rabu scene!!!! <3333333 This is great!!!! XDDDD More please!!!!!
Comments 19
im being selfish now..when i ask for a sequel like others ? (•_•)
I really want to see him reply Ryutaro confession...
Please make a sequel, ne...*puppy eye attack*
Awesome fic, it makes alot of sense. =)
Ryuu has already fallen for chii seriously!!!!
I went numb as his arms wrapped around my shoulders and he pressed his warmth against my back. “W-what are you doing?” I tried to tell myself it was just a simple hug, he’s hugged me plenty of times before, in front of Yuuto and Ryosuke to show that we were ‘going out’ but with every second that passed, I could feel my face heating up because it didn’t feel like a normal hug.
“Didn’t you say you would make me fall for you in one month?” His breath tickled my ears and made goosebumps rise on my arms.
“I wasn’t being serious about that,” I mumbled. It was true, I only said that on an impulse to get him to agree on dating me. Then I realized the implication behind his words. “W-wait, Ryutaro, you didn’t really-?”
“And what if I did?” My insides melted when I saw the affection in Ryutaro’s eyes.
And OMG I love their rabu-rabu scene!!!! <3333333
This is great!!!! XDDDD
More please!!!!!
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