November's prompt for fic is going to be seasons. Feel free to interpret it however you'd like! :) Please rate and label your stories accordingly, and if longer than 500 words, please keep it underneath an lj-cut.
Hi, everyone! I wanted to go ahead and introduce myself. My name is Nic and I'm the new admin here at han_leia. You can contact me any time with the email address listed in the community profile or by PM'ing me
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Finally, Dark Horse has released something other than Prequel stuff or Legacy again! Now we can all get our profic fix for the first time since Tattooine came out. :-P
This little Star Wars Adventures comic came out a couple of weeks ago, and it's really cute. It's set between ANH and Empire, and it showcases just how right for each other Han and Leia are. The story is entertaining, the characters are spot on, and the art is quite unique. I would describe it as breathless.