Title: Cupid of the Heart - Part 2 Rating: Smut Length: oneshot, 2 parts Pairings: Takahiro Morita X OC Summary: She was that one girl in the crowd A/N: For matsuyaney sorry for some grammar error fic title is from OOR song Part 1 http://hannafreya.livejournal.com/2959.html
Title: Cupid of the Heart Rating: Smut Length: oneshot, 2 parts Pairings: Takahiro Morita X OC Summary: She was that one girl in the crowd A/N: For matsuyaney sorry for some grammar error fic title is from OOR song
that girl who uploaded Arashi subbed videos on her streaming site which she doesn't even owned should be burn! what part of "don't stream" she doesn't understand? if her friend want to watch Arashi subbed vids she could refer those communities for her to download vids. its not even our fault that her connection is slow. heck! my connection is slow
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Well as the subject says, no need to add me as friend once i added you. I don't share anything here anyway, mostly my rant. but if you do, thank you so much! I LOVE YOU :D
ehhhh~ i almost forgot that I have a Livejournal account! I know I sign up with LJ because of Arashi. and im more frequent tumblr user. Then I have blogspot to blog personal and Arashi stuffs. then there's Twitter and Facebook
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I've downloaded few dramas and varieties already. now they're piled up and i don't know what to watch first. I'm in the middle of My Girl Ep6, im in Ep3 of Kazouko Game. and now I'm starting to watch Freeter.