I think everyone seems to be having problems right now. I couldn't sleep either and haven't been able to for a while now. I didn't know things could hurt so much. It sucks not getting the sleep you need and so strongly desire. I don't know what to say either, just that I'm here, just a few mouse clicks away and only 30 mins or so away from UNC. We'll have to hang out and fight about our teams. :)
My great grandmother, who lived out west, once asked my mom if she was homesick during a visit. Mom replied, "Yes," and Grandma Avery said, "Good; I can't respect someone who doesn't get homesick." Homesickness doesn't always refer to your previous residence, but also to people, memories, smells, objects, and anything else that your mental pathways have become accustomed to and will miss when absent. I'm already homesick, and I haven't left for school yet. Thank you for friendship (it most certainly is appreciated) and I wish you the best in everything.
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