All of the AbovevtindievetSeptember 15 2008, 15:48:13 UTC
Obviously, once again, all made by the same person. Don't let your poor husband read these. If marrying him didn't make you "the happiest lady in the world" and all you can think of is how good Hanson tastes and smells, then you probably should have saved the poor guy the trouble.
dont know why everyone is negative about these. they are fun. i love them. i never took hanson secrets literally live everyone else apparently does. i always thought they were only *sort of* real like a fantasy, but totally a joke. hmm maybe im wrong
the premise of this community is to let out a somehow hanson-related secret which has sat pretty heavily with you & you wouldn't feel comfortable enough to admit it with your name attached. each secret, i feel, should be read with that in mind.
that being said, these are lame (except for the one about isaac's blood clot, because it scares the shit out of me too).
Comments 44
and the last one :0
that being said, these are lame (except for the one about isaac's blood clot, because it scares the shit out of me too).
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