last weekend i did a wedding. i've surprisingly been pretty busy this week, so i havn't had the time to post a few pics yet, but here we go! these are a few photos from charles and stephanie's wedding. let me know what you think.
at the last minute, i was invited to join a group of friends to go climb at the new river gorge in west virginia and so i went. we left in two cars. a few hours into the drive, we got a call that one of the drivers was getting tired and needed someone to take over. the only thing was that it was a manual car. i was the only person that felt
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our second day we went to the peterskill area. we found the rock there to be more pebbley and hurtful to the hands. the problems were still good though. one just had to know where the boulders were compared to west trapps where everything is along a trail. i tried climbing a bit in my vibram fivefingers which was decent on some problems, but
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so i was gone this past weekend. took a climbing/camping trip with a couple friends to the gunks in NY, near the town of new paltz. what an awesome place that was! i really wanna move there now! i ordered gear so that i could use it on the trip, but of course it didn't get shipped until after my return... anyways, here are a few pics from the
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here are two more photos i took the same day as the climbing competition. while waiting for the finals to get setup, we tried to scale the outside of the building! hehe, it was crimpy! anyways, i think these were my favorite pics of the day.
yesterday i went to a climbing competition held at the sterling location of sportrock. i've been to one in alexandria and that was waaaay easier to photograph. i didn't participate as i was asked if i could photograph the comp. i did manage to get a little climbing in once the walls started to clear out. man was it hot in there! i also got to
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a lot of times at work, i gotta do the best with what i've got. i get stuck with the shitty/broken equipment. we have a D300, a 14-24mm f/2.8, a 60mm f/2.8 macro, a 80-200mm f/2.8, and a couple SB-800's. most of the time, these are not in the office when i need them for assignments. we do have leftover equipment though. so out of the remaining
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