Jun 08, 2005 19:47
i wonder how long it'd take me to hear every song i have saved on my computer ?
maybe i'll have a music marathon this summer.
Jun 08, 2005 18:47
wow im having some dejavu moments!
i like this!
Jun 02, 2005 18:53
do people ever do things just to make a legend? just to be able to feel? just to be able to have knowledge in every situation?
i shook on it.........
but what if this is all just so i can experience?
because god knows i don't know shit about anything.
May 16, 2005 18:35
good song- you get what u give by new radicals
Dec 24, 2004 14:52
i've had this for exactly a year!! cool cool.
merry christmas eve!!!!!!!!
Dec 24, 2003 13:40
sorry everyone!my journal is friends only.if you want me to add you, comment and i'll most likely add you back. thanks =D