Apr 23, 2010 00:02
There are times in my life when I look around and count my blessings.
One day when I am old I will look at this point in my life and say "That was a good bit."
So I'm saying it now.
Thank you to all those who have helped MAKE this point in my life a good bit.
Nov 06, 2007 12:59
I am currently in a car coming back from Melbourne.
In the car with me is Switch, a 5 month old Maine Coon.
I have a cat again!
Aug 22, 2007 20:51
The output from my SQL database, extracted by PHP.
Everything's talking, and I'm ready to start coding.
Aug 21, 2007 08:45
I installed php and tested my first basic php page!
Step one down!
And with a bit of luck I'll get my actual web host today as well!
Aug 19, 2007 12:36
Okay, I never seem to post anything to Livejournal.
I also never seem to find enough time to program anymore.
I have a cunning plan.
I'm going to do posts about a programming exercise!
I've downloaded php and mysql, looked into getting a website, and so far run into problems along every avenue.