Title: Initiation Pairing: Nick/Garbo Summary: It's Kevin's wedding weekend. But somehow it becomes special for Nick and Garbo too. Series: Part #1 of the Wedding Verse Comments: Are always appreciated. :)
looking4jonas has just been made! The Jonas Slash community where you can send the prompts and story lines you want to get written! Or are you looking for a Jonas story you're just dying to read all over again? Looking for a particular type of fic? New to the fandom, want the best fics and authors recommended by other readers? Ask here!
My dad's brother, my uncle has just come to pick up my brothers and take them to Taekwondo as my dad was stuck in traffic. I stood at the door and waved at him many times but he completely blanked me. I know he knew I was here
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The last few weeks have been kind of crappy. I've had enough of everything. My grandma got admitted to hospital two weeks yesterday and she's really ill and just seems to be slowly getting worse. She lives about an hour and a half away from us and we went to see her last Sunday and today. It was horrible. She looks really ill and she's telling us
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Nick Jonas and The Administration are awesome! The album is amazing :) All 10 songs are just perfect and beautiful. I have to say i was dissapointed stay wasn't on it. But everyone should buy it. It's just fantastic!