1. Put your iTunes/Napster/Zune Player/WinAmp/etc on shuffle. 2. For each question, press the next button to get your answer. 3. YOU MUST WRITE THAT SONG NAME DOWN NO MATTER HOW SILLY IT SOUNDS! 4. Tag people and THEY MUST DO IT!
I think it's 5:53 am, and I should not have woken up. Esp since I was up only.. 2 plus hours earlier. Go to sleeeeeeepppp, go to sleeeeeeepppp... STUPID ITCH! !@#$%^&*
Good Morning Baby, I hope I'm gonna make it through another day.
OK, I know I'm gonna sound damn pathetic, but wth. I still haven't finished living out of my luggages. -_-" Yes, you heard me right. And to think that I've to pack my stuff back up soon. POOF! I think this is a sign... that I brought too many things over. HAHA! Yes, ok, I know I'm damn disgusting. Go ahead and cringe. BYEEE!