Having completed the
Survey of Doom there’s one notable omission-WIPs. It really is impossible to do much of a search for them-the archives don’t make that very possible with their search functions, that by and large let you find complete, but not incomplete. I also hadn’t been keeping up with HBP-era WIPs, with the exception of
e_danae’s and
Thirty Pieces of Silver, which I beta. Just been disappointed too many times by abandoned stories and months between updates. (I know, I know! Guilty!).
So, could my f-list point me to the WIPs in the HBP era they’ve kept up with and think worth reading? Below is the list of ones I’ve heard something about from running my eye down FFN and memory which I know have a following. What am I missing? Any mentioned in a comment below, I’ll add to the list.
SSHG HBP Epics - Complete Guide - over 100,000 words
SSHG HBP Novels - Complete Guide - over 40,000 and less than 100,000 words
SSHG HBP Novellas - Complete Guide - over 10,000 and less than 40,000 words
SSHG HBP Short Stories - Select Guide - under 10,001 words
SSHG HBP Drabbles Select Guide - exactly, or multiples of 100 words
I've starred the ones I liked and will continue following.
Updated within a year
(alphabetical by title - 38)
A Gathering of Angels, (R) 29,456 words
Publish Date: 4/15/07
Last Update: 3/11/08
Genres: Romance
Alt Link:
http://owl.tauri.org/stories.php?psid=5379Summary: As the tension rises in the wizarding world, Dumbledore's Army is reborn. Its leaders need a spy in the enemy's camp.
sshg_awards (nominee - WIP)
A Living Hell, (R) 16,238 words
Publish Date: 7/01/07
Last Update: 3/23/07
Genres: Romance, Angst, Drama
Summary: Severus has been running from himself for years. What happens when his pain catches up with him in the form of the new Potions teacher, Hermione Granger? My response to the 8th Prompt of Potter Place's Winter Challenge.
Leraiv Snape,
A Gift of Time, (PG) 118,019 words
Publish Date: 7/28/05
Last Update: 3/13/08 (18 ch)
Genres: Drama, Angst, Romance
Alt Link:
http://www.fanfiction.net/s/2506887/1/A_Gift_of_TimeSummary: “Granger, Hermione.” None of the students heard the catch in Professor McGonagall's voice. And even if they had, they would have attributed it to dryness of her throat, not to sudden shock. Before them, in the space of breaths it took to say her name, Severus Snape, their colleague of thirty-one years had dissolved, leaving a blossoming adolescent of seventeen.
Note: Time-turner
A Most Important Element in Water, (PG-13) 93,050 words
Publish Date: 2/14/07
Last Update: 3/18/08
Genres: Drama, Angst, Romance, Adventure
Alt Link 1:
http://www.fanfiction.net/s/3392947/1/A_Most_Important_Element_in_WaterAlt Link 2:
http://owl.tauri.org/stories.php?psid=5024Summary: While hunting for Horcruxes with her friends, Hermione learns surprising facts about Snape's past. Will that change the way she thinks about him?
butterflycross (Lone Butterfly),
Agapi, (R) 114,292 words
Publish Date: 4/13/06
Last Update: 1/15/08
Genres: Adventure
Summary: A drastic choice made by the Great Dumbledore has consequences after his death. Begins 10 minutes after Book 6 ends. An unusual love story.
Note: Not HBP-compliant
fangirl_tour Froggy,
Battles, (NC-17) 51,743 words (ch 28)
Publish Date: 3/28/07
Last Update: 5/5/08
Genres: Romance, Humor, Friendship
Summary: Not all battles are with evil forces. Some are fought against friends, some against lovers, and some within yourself. Hermione wants to live. Ron and Harry will obviously be of no help to her. Then what about Snape?
Note: Not HBP Compliant
Becoming, (NC-17) 52,958 words
Publish Date: 11/30/06
Last Update: 6/26/07
Genres: Humor, Romance
Alt Link:
http://www.fanfiction.net/s/3267056/1/BecomingSummary: Hermione Weasley, a widowed mother of 13 year old twins, returns to Hogwarts to teach Arithmancy. She and Severus Snape begin a surprising friendship.
QtP Winner (Best WIP),
sshg_awards (nominee - WIP)
Breakfast at Zonko's, (G) 8,492 words
Publish Date: 6/20/06
Last Update: 7/29/07
Genres: Fluff, Humor, General
Summary: They are small, round lollipops made of Polyjuice Potion and Zonko got hold of some, just for Severus. What happens when the Potions master decides that becoming Viktor Krum might enhance his social life?
Note: Set during 4th year. Abandoned
severely_lupine (SamusAran),
Bride of the Potions Professor, (NC-17) 88,482 words
Publish Date: 5/06/06
Last Update: 4/16/08 (17)
Genres: Drama, Angst
Summary: Scrimgeour institutes a selective breeding program to bolster diminishing wizarding bloodlines. Hermione realizes the downside of being the brightest witch of her age.
Note: MLC, Contains HP and DH Spoilers
fangirl_tour Dolefully Desired,
Confidences, (R) 26,206 words
Publish Date: 5/07/07
Last Update: 9/15/07
Genres: Drama, Romance
Summary: Already facing a stressful job and an overbearing fiancé, Healer Hermione Granger adds another responsibility to her list.
unfinishedline (sinverguenza),
Crave for Me, (PG-13) 25,617 words
Publish Date: 10/24/05
Last Update: 5/14/08
Genres: Drama, Angst, Romance
Alt Link 1:
http://www.fanfiction.net/s/3319049/1/Crave_for_MeAlt Link 2:
http://unfinishedline.livejournal.com/tag/fic:%20crave%20for%20meSummary: When Severus Snape accidentally injures Hermione Granger, a tenuous magical bond is formed between the two.
Fair Exchanges, (R) 75,500 words
Publish Date: 11/25/06
Last Update: 4/13/08 (45 ch)
Genres: Angst, Romance
Alt Link:
http://www.thepetulantpoetess.com/viewstory.php?sid=4050Summary: Hermione wants to learn Occlumency, but Severus Snape is not known for his generous nature. Both may learn more than they bargained for before the tale ends. This is canon-compliant with books 5 and 6 and provides a behind-the-scenes story that JKR never even guessed...
In Times of War, (R) 107,819 words (20)
Publish Date: 8/7/06
Last Update: 2/04/08
Genres: Adventure, Angst
Alt Link:
http://www.fanfiction.net/s/3091800/1/In_Times_of_WarSummary: Set after Hermione turns 18. The war is still going on, and she has to do her part, with a little help from a certain potion's master.
Into the Ether, (PG) 7,076 words
Publish Date: 6/24/07
Last Update: 10/24/08
Genres: General, Friendship
Alt Link:
http://www.fanfiction.net/s/3613212/1/Into_the_EtherSummary: 'He's back and I am alive... Cruciatus only seems endless. The pain goes and the body barely remembers, but for the injuries selfinflicted under its influence...'
Looking for Magic, (M) 610,599 words
Publish Date: 1/04/06
Last Update: 5/2/08 (ch 96)
Genres: Romance, Angst
Summary: Severus Snape and Hermione Granger deal with traumas past and present and find they have more in common than they realize as they prepare for the ultimate confrontation with Voldemort.
Note: Not HBP Compliant
sshg_awards (nominee - WIP)
Borolin (Dyce and Whitehound),
Lost and Found, (M) 214,784 words
Publish Date: 3/31/06
Last Update: 12/23/07
Genres: Friendship, Humor, Angst
Summary: When Snape is tortured and maimed a team inc. Hermione, Neville and a Muggle surgeon battle to save his life and sanity.
crack_broomNote: Not HBP Compliant
bobkatt (EchoLynn),
Manifestation Of Dreams (R) 56,897 words
Publish Date: 6/21/07
Genres: Romance, Angst, Drama, Darkfic
Alt Link 1:
http://ashwinder.sycophanthex.com/viewstory.php?sid=16301Alt Link 2:
http://thepetulantpoetess.com/viewstory.php?sid=12294Alt Link 3:
http://www.grangerenchanted.com/enchant/viewstory.php?sid=1427&index=1Summary: While Harry and Ron are hunting down the remaining Horcruxes, Hermione is training as a Potions Master with none other than Severus Snape. Tensions are high, but their working together is imperative. Events follow that turn the unlikely partnership toward a very unique and strong friendship. Is it possible for the Gryffindor know-it-all to tame the feared Potions Master?
Warning: Torture
Mists of Time, (PG) 221,341 words
Publish Date: 4/01/07
Last Update: 3/08/08
Genres: Adventure, Drama, Romance
Summary: Severus Snape knew that things would go wrong the minute the headmaster's worried face appeared in his fireplace. And he was right.
Note: Not HBP Compliant
sshg_awards (nominee - Adventure, WIP);
crack_broom ![](http://pics.livejournal.com/renitaleandra/pic/0001zpqp)
Scion of Kushiel (Dutchy),
Nocturne, (R) 81,952 words (Ch 15)
Publish Date: 5/02/06
Last Update: 3/25/08
Genres: Drama, Angst, Romance, Adventure, Darkfic, Mystery
Alt Link:
http://www.fanfiction.net/s/3176020/1/NocturneSummary: The Dark Lord has won, and a new era reigns. Yet, not all is as is should be, so long as some pockets of resistance still remain. DARK!
sshg_awards (nominee - WIP),
QtP Winner (Best Darkfic),
ferporcel (FerPotter),
Not Only a Granger, (PG-13) 161,273 words
Publish Date: 8/19/05
Last Update: 4/20/08 (26 ch)
Genres: General, Romance
Alt Link:
http://owl.tauri.org/stories.php?psid=1419Summary: Eleven years after the end of the war, Hermione finds herself in a delicate situation when her only son leaves for Hogwarts and threatens her most guarded secret: that he’s not only a Granger, but also a Snape!
fangirl_tour, Multi-faceted Runner-up (Best Original Character)
Leraiv Snape,
Paradise Lost, (R) 44,744 words
Publish Date: 7/17/07
Last Update: 5/4/08 (6 ch)
Genres: Drama, Angst, Romance, Alternate Universe
Alt Link:
http://www.fanfiction.net/s/3671798/1/Paradise_LostSummary: 'Severus does not deserve and is not asking for your forgiveness, Hermione. But I am asking you to listen. For the sake of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, grant him mercy instead of justice, and open your mind to what he has to tell you. You might be surprised at what you come to understand.' Sequel to
Forbidden Fruit!
sshg_awards (nominee - WIP)
Seven Preposterous Things, (NC-17) 114,660 words
Publish Date: 5/20/06
Last Update: 4/21/08 (24 ch)
Genres: Humor, Angst, Romance, Drama, Adventure
Summary: Dark Comedy and Angst. Graphic Sex, Character Death, Pimples, Gore and Unflattering Characterizations. Half-Blood Prince Compliant. HG/SS and MB/DM
QtP Winner (Best Minor Character-Centric),
sshg_awards (winner - Humour, WIP)
Strega Letteraria, (R) 44,478 words
Publish Date: 2/24/07
Last Update: 1/22/08
Genres: Drama, General, Mystery/Suspense
Summary: Years after Voldemort is destroyed, Hermione struggles to have the life she has always wanted.
Sweet Mercy, (R) 75,198 words
Publish Date: 1/01/06
Last Update: 7/09/07
Genres: Romance, Adventure, Fluff, Drama, Angst
Alt Link:
http://www.fanfiction.net/s/2730891/1/Sweet_MercySummary: Evil lurks on the side of a lonely mountain. Auror Hermione Granger reluctantly joins forces with her former professor to save the Wizarding world, again.
Tell Naught But Lies, (PG-13) 28,259 words
Publish Date: 1/4/07
Last Update: 7/18/07
Genres: Adventure, Drama
Alt Link:
http://www.fanfiction.net/s/3325241/1/Tell_Naught_But_LiesSummary: They turned as one, suddenly aware that Harry had dropped out of the conversation and was staring again at the eaglehead of the key, studying its fierce eyes as if he could see into them. He didn’t notice them noticing him...
The Choices We Make, (R) 18,988 words
Publish Date: 4/11/2006
Last Update: 4/14/07
Genres: Angst, Drama, Angst, Drama, General
Summary: He was a fool to hold Hermione to her original promise. It was time to rectify that mistake. But it seemed fate, and Hermione had other plans. Can Severus learn to live with the choices he's made, even at the cost of his own happiness?
Note: The story is written in drabble form, one hundred words per chapter. The brevity of the chapters forces the emotions to stand out sharply against the action. The first forty chapters were posted in the drabble collections - Round Nine through Fourteen. Since so many have asked me to post these as their own story, I've decided to compile them here. Originally written as a response to the
grangersnape100 challenge "Choices".
The Fifty Move Rule, (R) 42,962 words
Publish Date: 9/09/2006
Last Update: 11/20/07
Genres: Adventure, Angst, Drama, Romance
Alt Link 1:
http://owl.tauri.org/stories.php?psid=3985Alt Link 2:
http://www.fanfiction.net/s/3140038/1/The_Fifty_Move_RuleSummary: She had never known exactly which side of the chessboard he had really played. But now, in the midst of war, he would give her fifty moves to the truth.
The Price of Madness, (NC-17) 94,267 words
Publish Date: 4/08/06
Last Update: 7/19/07
Alt Link:
http://www.thepetulantpoetess.com/viewstory.php?sid=2343Genres: Drama, Romance, Friendship
Summary: It’s possible in wartime that madness eventually comes for us all. Yet some madness might be carefully purchased; some sanity knowingly sacrificed. This story is such a tale.
KIA, Multi-faceted Winner (Best Extreme Fic),
sshg_awards (winner - Best AU; runner-up - WIP)
ttfs (Anastasia),
The Raven and the Sparrow, (R) 6,067 words
Publish Date: 5/12/07
Last Update: 5/28/07
Genres: Mystery/Suspense, Drama
Alt Link:
http://www.thepetulantpoetess.com/viewstory.php?sid=5727Summary: In the days of the final Horcrux, mistrust and mixed messages yield a dark, deadly alliance.
Note: Abandoned
The Resolution Solution, (PG-13) 20,210 words
Publish Date: 8/06/06
Last Update: 3/28/07
Genres: Humor, Romance
Alt Link:
http://www.thepetulantpoetess.com/viewstory.php?sid=3270Summary: A drunk Snape makes a list of New Year's resolutions and now has one year to fulfill the entire list or he loses his magic.
e_danae and
Thirty Pieces of Silver, (PG-13) 24,863 words
Publish Date: 10/18/05
Last Update: 5/04/07
Genres: Mystery, Romance, Drama, Angst, Adventure
Summary: Response to WIKTT !It’s Ms. Granger to you! challenge. HBP spoilers. HGSS ...He had no intention of actually applying for the position, but it was a unique opportunity to enter the Ministry legally...
Time's Fool, (PG-13) 11,977 words
Publish Date: 3/26/07
Last Update: 9/23/07
Genres: Drama, Angst, Romance
Summary: Hermione uses a Time Turner to go back and change Snape's past. But his future is her present and Time is a fickle thing. Not your average Time Turner fic I hope!
Note: Time-turner
Unexpected, (PG) 12,071 words
Publish Date: 3/20/07
Last Update: 4/30/08 (20 ch)
Genres: General
Alt Link:
http://www.fanfiction.net/s/3450735/1/UnexpectedSummary: Dear Severus, I must be the biggest idiot alive not to realise how you might take that. ...
Note: Not HBP Compliant
Vain Wisdom All and False Philosophy, (R) 158,216 words
Publish Date: 3/05/07
Last Update: 4/28/08 (27 ch)
Genres: Angst, Drama, Romance
Alt Link 1:
http://owl.tauri.org/stories.php?psid=5180Alt Link 2:
http://www.fanfiction.net/s/3444097/1/Vain_Wisdom_All_and_False_PhilosophySummary: With the climax of the next great battle drawing near, the key players who have the ability to halt or bring about potential destruction take center stage, as they always have in every great war since time began. And Dumbledore knew all this, but not when it truly mattered. Eventual SS/HG. Alternate Universe, HBP death disregarded.
wonderfulwrites (Wonderful Child),
Walk Through Fire, (NC-17) 110,542 words
Publish Date: 2/18/06
Last Update: 3/21/08 (ch 19)
Genres: Adventure, Drama, Darkfic, Friendship, Angst
Alt Link:
http://owl.tauri.org/stories.php?psid=3198Summary: Severus Snape has proved his loyalty beyond a doubt and Voldemort chooses a most perfect reward - but Bellatrix Lestrange has other plans...
Warning: Rape
sshg_awards (nominee - WIP; winner - Darkfic)
wonderfulwrites (Wonderful Child),
The Wild Hunt, (R) 17,883 words
Publish Date: 6/08/07
Last Update: 1/27/08
Genres: Mystery/Suspense, Drama, Angst, Romance
Alt Link 1:
http://www.thepetulantpoetess.com/viewstory.php?sid=6004Alt Link 2:
http://owl.tauri.org/stories.php?psid=5664Summary: Glastonbury Tor has been said to be many things: a pre-Roman settlement, an entrance to the underworld, the mystic isle of Avalon, the spiral castle of the Gwyn ap Nudd, the Fairy King of the Tor. Hermione Granger and Severus Snape are about to learn the truth.
crack_broom Fear Abandoned (no update within a year) (9)
unwoundfantasy (PinkBunny),
Amende Honorable, (R) 17,325 words
Publish Date: 12/26/05
Last Update: 02/09/06
Genres: General, Drama, Angst, Romance, Friendship
Alt Link:
http://www.thepetulantpoetess.com/viewstory.php?sid=1631Summary: Due to the fallen and their wishes, Hermione finds herself in possession of a key piece of evidence that she feels will lead to Severus Snape's pardon. However, she needs more to go on, more to research -- she needs to see the prisoner himself. Rating for future chapters; character deaths referenced but not depicted.
Dance With the Devil, (NC-17) 47,317 words
Publish Date: 2/04/06
Last Update: 6/25/06
Genres: Romance, Angst, Drama, Adventure
Alt Link:
http://hp.adultfanfiction.net/story.php?no=600000161Summary: Voldemort has won, the Order of the Phoenix has gone underground and Hermione has retreated to the Muggle world. Inspired by (but NOT) the Marriage Law Challenge.
Note: OWL Version in main link more complete
sshg_awards (nominee - Abandoned)
Anastadne (
ariadne1 and
Desperate Measures, (PG-13) 20,850 words
Publish Date: 5/18/06
Last Update: 10/16/06
Genres: Romance, Drama
Alt Link:
http://owl.tauri.org/stories.php?psid=3119Summary: When a lethal potion is about to be unleashed at Hogwarts, Snape does the only thing he can think of to stop it. Desperate times call for desperate measures.
Little Book of Charms, (G) 38,342 words
Publish Date: 12/19/05
Last Update: 5/24/06
Genres: Humor, General, Friendship
Summary: A sequel to
If You Insist. What happened next at The Burrow.
sshg_awards (runner-up - Abandoned)
Rigidness Aside, (NC-17) 13,550 words
Publish Date: 5/20/06
Last Update: 3/26/07
Genres: Humor, Romance
Summary: Harry Potter would do anything to never have to ask Snape for help. Draco, however, is not so proud when it comes to his lover not being able to get it up. They find out about Hermione's relationship with Severus the hard way! HG/SS, HP/DM *This story takes place three months into JenKM1216's one-shot,
In the Name of Research, which can be found on this site.*
Recs: Multifaceted (Runner-Up - Humor)
The Great Hogwarts Portrait Rebellion, (PG-13) 7,242 words
Publish Date: 11/21/05
Last Update: 3/19/06
Genres: Fluff, Humor, Romance
Summary: Ten years after the final confrontation, the Minister decides to commission the portrait of the Order of the Phoenix.
sshg_awards (winner - Abandoned)
The Kindness of Strangers, (PG-13) 16,214 words
Publish Date: 8/16/06
Last Update: 10/17/06
Genres: Romance, Drama
Summary: The good news is that the fugitive is alive. The bad news is that he doesn't remember a bloody thing. Not even his own name.
sshg_awards (nominee - Abandoned)
The Path of Roses, (R) 52,197 words
Publish Date: 2/21/06
Last Update: 9/15/06
Genres: Romance, Drama
Summary: Severus Snape has been missing from the wizarding community of Britain for five years. A lot has changed in that time, a new law looms over the head of a post-Voldemort world and even Severus’ wife is no longer unaffected by it.
Note: MLC
Rumpole and the Killing Curse, (NC-17) 10 Parts
Publish Date: 11/7/06
Last Update: 2/25/07
Genres: Humor, Crossover
Summary: You're a wizard who killed your boss, and now you're on the run. Who better to help clear your name than an Old Bailey hack?
fangirl_tour yncarn8,
The Wrong Door, (R) 19,008 words
Publish Date: 11/27/06
Last Update: 2/02/07
Genres: General
Alt Link
http://hp.adultfanfiction.net/story.php?no=600007846&chapter=1Summary: Severus had the distinct impression his life would have been very different had he staggered through a different door. What will it take to get his life back on track?
Note Further ahead in AFF link (up to chapter 5)
Volition, (R) 68,350 words
Publish Date: 4/05/06
Last Update: 9/07/06
Genres: General
Alt Link
http://hp.adultfanfiction.net/story.php?no=600007846&chapter=1Summary: When a mission with the Order of the Phoenix does not go as intended, Hermione finds herself trapped, in more ways than she could possibly imagine.
sshg_awards (nominee - Abandoned)
mundungus42 posted the following on her LJ:
It’s time for round two of the
sshg_awards, Property of the Half-Blood Prince! For this round, stories that started posting between July 15, 2005 and July 21, 2007 are eligible. During the first round, lots of folks listed their eligible stories on their LJs. I found this to be exceedingly helpful in the nomination stage and am doing it myself (see below). If you have any eligible stories, by all means, pimp them on your LiveJournal for all to see and nominate! Instructions for nominating may be found
here...I've shown you mine - now show me yours!
So, in that spirit...
Novel-length WIP (probably epic eventually)
Book of ShadowsAuthor: Harmony Bites
Categories: Novel, Action Adventure, Drama, Angst, Romance, WIP (still-simmering)
Story Link:
http://www.fanfiction.net/s/2579257/1/Book_of_ShadowsAuthor's LJ:
harmony_bitesPosted: FFN 9/14/05; 68,958 words
Last Updated: 10/12/07 *winces*
Note: My first HP fic
Short Stories
Face OnAuthor: Harmony Bites
Categories: Short, Drama, Angst, Romance, Fluff
Story Link:
http://www.fanfiction.net/s/3652842/1/Face_OnAuthor's LJ:
harmony_bitesPosted: FFN 7/12/07; 3,903 words
JanusAuthor: Harmony Bites
Categories: Short, Drama, Angst, Romance, Darkfic (if you squint)
Story Link:
http://www.fanfiction.net/s/2836348/1/JanusAuthor's LJ:
harmony_bitesPosted: FFN 3/09/06; 7,293 words
Auspicious DayAuthor: Harmony Bites
Categories: Fluff, Romance
Story Link:
http://community.livejournal.com/bdsurprises/895.html?view=7807#t7807Author's LJ:
harmony_bitesPosted: On
bdsurprises 10/06/06; 807 words
Drabble Series
The Best ProtectionAuthor: Harmony Bites
Categories: Drabble Series
Story Link:
http://community.livejournal.com/grangersnape100/322889.htmlAuthor's LJ:
harmony_bitesPosted: FFN 5/11/06; 300 words
Un-NaturalAuthor: Harmony Bites
Categories: Drabble Series
Story Link:
http://community.livejournal.com/grangersnape100/691770.htmlAuthor's LJ:
harmony_bitesPosted: FFN 4/16/07; 400 words
Mirror of DiscordAuthor: Harmony Bites
Categories: Drabble Series
Story Link:
http://community.livejournal.com/grangersnape100/715207.htmlAuthor's LJ:
harmony_bitesPosted: FFN 5/25/07; 400 words
Single Drabbles (all posted to
grangersnape100, all 100 words)
Be My Valentine 2)
Happy Birthday, Severus Snape 3)
The Strength of the Weak 4)
A House Undivided 5)
From the First 6)
No Regrets 7)
Bitter Partings 8)
Pure Drivel 9)
The Wheel of Life 10)
He Came Out Ahead 11)
Good Medicine 12)
Wifely Duty 13)
Payback's a WitchAlt Link:
http://mujaji.net/repository/viewstory.php?sid=83 **