Title: One Whisper
Fandom: Batman: The Animated Series
Pairings: Bruce/Barbara
Rating: PG
Warnings/Spoilers: Suggestive.
Summary: Babs whispered to him and he decides what to do.
Notes: Written for
batfic100 prompt halloween & all saint's day and written for
100_tales prompt passion.
...Table... ]
Teasing (Part 1),
Viking Beauty (Part 2),
Fly Her Home (Part 3),
One Whisper (Part 4),
Caught Kissing (Part 5) and
Anniversary Surprise (Part 6).
As they danced together at the Halloween ball, Barbara Gordon smiled seductively at him as she brushed against him again. Bruce let out a grunt at that, causing her smile to widen. He twirled her out away from him but then quickly pulled her back to him and she made sure to even closer to him now. She could see his inner battle playing in his mind, and she hoped to god that the side that wants her would win.
“Bruce?” Babs whispered, which ended up being just what he needed to decide.
He pulled her into a passionate kiss.