Title: Intensifying
Fandom: Twilight
Pairings: Jasper/Leah
Rating: R
Warnings/Spoilers: Adult Content.
Summary: She wanted to lie...
Notes: Written for
twilight100 prompt beautiful and written for
twilight20 prompt lies.
...Table... ]
Melted Away (Part 1),
Intensifying (Part 2),
Thought We Couldn't (Part 3),
Semi-Normal (Part 4), and
He's Beautiful (Part 5).
“Stop it,” Leah whispered, barely able to get the words out. All she could feel was pleasure and love, but she knew it was wrong.
“Why, my beautiful Leah?” Jasper asked, his voice vibrating against her most sensitive part of the body.
“You’re - oh god!” Leah screamed as she reached her peak.
“I am manipulating your body, yes,” Jasper admitted, “but what you feel is not just me… Most of it is you, I’m just intensifying it.”
She wanted to lie and say that it wasn’t true, but she knew it was. Instead she wrapped her legs around his tighter.