ALERT! ALERT! INVASION, INVASION! HAHA! Hello everyone! this is amys beckipoo. :-) and well amy is in the shower because she SMELLS and is cleansing herself, so im secertly writing in this lovely journal thingy of hers
( Read more... ) HAHADANCE was FUNNNNNN. I enjoyed it. Someone took our concert song though :( we were sad but we found a decent song and we've got the begging planed out
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I hate Tuesday's because they're ... like not even halfway through the week. Even though tomorrow will be's just Tuesday seems like a wannabe Thursday to me...Dance was actually really fun. I enjoyed it. I did good on a lot of across the floor stuff..except shanae turns on my RIGHT...cause I SUCK like that sometimes...We also got
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Today was alright. I like being home rather then being at school First hour (dance) was alright. We picked out concert groups and all that jazz. Took a test and I got 100% cause I'm a good little girl :). Second hour was GAYYYYYY. I was so angry cause I was the first person to do this practice presentation for ASL and this lady
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Last night was pretty fun...At first it was pretty weird because Tyler and I got in a little argument and I felt really bad and there was the silence in the car that made me think of how it used to be with my dad...but it's fine
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I'm sorry I'm not the perfect friend, and I'm sorry I can't quite express myself without it turning into something else. I'm sorry I get jelous of the friendships you have with eachother. I wish I didn't feel this way...but I just can't help it. I'm really sorry.