Title: Ferris wheel Author: haru_haru_21 Rating: PG-13 Genre: Angst Summary: They ride the turning Ferris wheel. A/N: A short drabble inspired by the song "Love Song" by Big Bang as well as the Manga "Deadman Wonderland".
The warm rays of the sun are of another world the field of reeds are dancing all alone I remain paused at a green hill, holding a conversation I’ve yet to finish with her
Title: RED Author: haru_haru_21 & rin_no_himitsu Summary: Come in, come in. Gather ‘round, everyone. Let me tell you a story of a “once upon a time” that didn’t have a “happily ever after”; a tragic tale of unrequited lovers who always missed each other by a crosshair, literally; a poetic recount of what happens when you ask for more than a normal life… Genre: Angst;
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