‣ blogcrew 003* HETALIA。

Feb 24, 2009 21:01

AXIS POWERS HETALIA http://haruudesu.livejournal.com/6035.html" _fcksavedurl="http://haruudesu.livejournal.com/6035.html">http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y175/Pastoral_Insanity/flag.jpg" _fcksavedurl="http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y175/Pastoral_Insanity/flag.jpg" /> http://haruudesu.livejournal.com/6035.html" _fcksavedurl="http://haruudesu.livejournal.com/6035.html">CLAIM HERE
1. a maximum of one claim per user.
2. each character can get up to FIVE fans/users.
3. only take the code after i approve of you and add you to the list!
4. to help my inbox and for rules, put 'NATIONS COLLIDE' in your subject bar |D
5. when all characters are claimed and whatnot, the character will be unbolded and striked out.
6. please, if I haven't updated it a while, check some comments ahead of you! xD
7. happy claiming! ♥
EDIT: i changed it to 5 fans/character 8D;;

♥ CLAIMED ♥ - alphabetical order :)
America/US: haruudesu * momotarukun * static_anomaly * sukiko_kun * poisonwavehana
Ancient Rome: svaro
Austria: pillowfight
Belarus: fushigibana
Canada: box_of_doom * chinomi * toastedpancake * zombieinmycurry * heymisspan
Chibitalia: moehost * risakochan * hikayu * shenan_loves_u
China: fish_chan * the_404_error * nightcoffeebean * xtiggzie
Cuba: audiopilot * munchehpuppeh
Denmark: jagsaknardig
Egypt: notedible
England/UK: hiroaki * riot_of_flowers * kaworu_chan * s1nfulxs0ul * sapphire_pyro *rinkura
Estonia: thecapturedspy
Finland: herrjeremy * synthetyk * kororo_minamoto * ravient
France: unasuvas * sakura_advance
Germany: prevaricatory * byto * theheartstation * adalimina * sodium
Holy Roman Empire: kaluin * sakura_041888
Hong Kong: nkitty29 * kawaii_syaoran * cherudim * strawberrydunk
Hungary: bisouspapillion * mewithe * moogleicious * 4shinjamyninja * micheyelle
Iceland: riyuji
Japan: lb_x * itsukayume * yandereinabag * dara_rocks
Korea: pommello
Latvia: balthaczar * dawn_crescendo * erogenous
Lithuania: epikstory * lizziesauce
N. Italy: haircurl * iroh_fancier * sakura_kurosaki * lexi_nyanko * all_my_colours
Norway: nintendali * tamensay
Poland: kenichi_bokushi * blasphemy_pie * phantasiagirl * pattyferreira * tecbelleanne
Prussia: dragon_gypsy * jkly04 * souseki_naora * crazyevilwombat * kyora
Russia: flipfloppies * warlust * litzplosion * fayenaruse * taure
S. Italy: meggyeggy1024 * roxasbones
Sealand: squizilla * challenging
Seychelles: envytheirony * nekomahou
Spain: rikuxwaffles * lolicount * kaffachino * izoold
Sweden: wingedxayase * maybefact * kryptoncat * yamazaki_inc * mugen_sasorin
Switzerland: keruchu * grandsummoner * shinigami39 * shiroki_kun
Taiwan: miyuki_mina * true_hikari * demodify
Thailand: kuraiyukita
Turkey: klasky * cette_fille07


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