my life sucks. everything has changed since the last post. i'm single. i'm broke. i get drunk a lot. it's not a good thing. my life needs to be placed in order, and it won't happen until i step it up.
so i have found the perfect girl. finally. we've been dating for almost a year. and i fucking love her, she's way awesome and hot. i hate all you ugly fucks but whatever. i hate this piece of shit thing so i'm never gonna post it up no more. well maybe when i'm super bored.
new stuff. dr. dr. name change. we are now direkt attak. we have a new singer. or are trying out new ones. and a show on the 16th of september @ the southmore house. plz go.
today is my birthday. i am 20. i am no longer a teenager. no more thirteen year olds for me. unless it is a good kept secret. i am also sick for my birthday. it is horrible. i can only breathe out of one nostril. buy me stuff.
doktor, doktor is playing a show tomorrow @ WALTERS. we are playing with, ten crowns. fight pretty. and i believe, will to live. please come out. it will be exciting.