Thought this was an interesting little tidbit. I have a feeling it's probably been reported somewhere before. However, on a stange whim with all of the Regulus/Sirius/RAB talk, I looked up the meanings of the two names.
Although most of the Black family's name come from the stars, I didn't know that Regulus was one of the 25 brightest. oO Yeah, I doubt that's coincidental.
There has to be more to the veil. JKR has said that Sirius's mirror is more significant than we could guess (or something like that), so maybe that has something to do with it, too... *shrug* More questions were asked than answered with this book. Which makes me much more happy because we have many more things to ponder over in the years ahead.
Yeah, I didn't notice that a lot (but not all) of the Black family names were for stars. However, I looked some up, and 3 out of 5 were stars. I thought it was interesting that Sirius was named for the "Dog Star", very clever.
It was also interesting because of the other names I looked up, none were said to be the brightest of any type of category, whether it be a specific constelation, or just in general.
I know! I was so convinced that Sirius was coming back this book. I was so sure that JKR had alluded it it when she had Luna say...[consults book which now sits with the others by my computer] 863 American: "...And anyway, it's not as though I'll never see Mum again, is it?" "Er - isn't it?" said Harry uncertainly. She [Luna] shook her head in disbelief. "Oh, come on. You heard them, just behind the veil, didn't you?" "You mean..."
Blah blah blah, Harry thinks she's a nutter, but questions it because he did hear voices too. But damn, I was so sure he'd come back in some way, shape, or form.
I cried like a kid put in timeout when Dumbledore died. I couldn't didn't want to believe it. You're not alone!
Well I did because I didn't realize the theories about Snape (saying hes good) were as close to real as... anything. I just know that I hated Snape and Dumbledore was dead.
I cried harder over Sirius. Probably because this time I had experienced the death of a character before and was prepared. I also suspected that D-Dore was gonna die because he was getting older and wearier in each book... and for some reason I always thought of Sirius being young (like 20) even though he wasn't.
I definatly cried harder for Dumbledore. I think that I was more attached to Dumbledore than I was to Sirius. But now after re-reading the series, and how much we've learned about Sirius even after his death, I would probably cry just as hard if I read it for the first time. If that made any sense.
I think I was also just so scared for Harry's prospect...his mentor, the only person left who could truely advise him was gone. I'm going to be interested to see who he starts to rely on next, because I really doubt Rowling would have Harry defeat Voldemort all on his own. Even she knows that's not realistic.
I cried harder for Dumbledore, but I think this was partly because his death was drawn out so much more fully. I mean there was suspense built up to it--what with him having weakened himself with the potion already. With Sirius, his death came so abruptly and no one quite knew how the veil worked, so there was this semi-hope that came with denial. For Dumbledore, we knew that Avada Kedavra meant instant death. There was no way around it.
Comments 8
There has to be more to the veil. JKR has said that Sirius's mirror is more significant than we could guess (or something like that), so maybe that has something to do with it, too... *shrug* More questions were asked than answered with this book. Which makes me much more happy because we have many more things to ponder over in the years ahead.
It was also interesting because of the other names I looked up, none were said to be the brightest of any type of category, whether it be a specific constelation, or just in general.
"...And anyway, it's not as though I'll never see Mum again, is it?"
"Er - isn't it?" said Harry uncertainly.
She [Luna] shook her head in disbelief. "Oh, come on. You heard them, just behind the veil, didn't you?"
"You mean..."
Blah blah blah, Harry thinks she's a nutter, but questions it because he did hear voices too. But damn, I was so sure he'd come back in some way, shape, or form.
I cried like a kid put in timeout when Dumbledore died. I couldn't didn't want to believe it. You're not alone!
Well I did because I didn't realize the theories about Snape (saying hes good) were as close to real as... anything. I just know that I hated Snape and Dumbledore was dead.
I cried harder over Sirius. Probably because this time I had experienced the death of a character before and was prepared. I also suspected that D-Dore was gonna die because he was getting older and wearier in each book... and for some reason I always thought of Sirius being young (like 20) even though he wasn't.
I think I was also just so scared for Harry's prospect...his mentor, the only person left who could truely advise him was gone. I'm going to be interested to see who he starts to rely on next, because I really doubt Rowling would have Harry defeat Voldemort all on his own. Even she knows that's not realistic.
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