Title: Not Just Any
kellychamblissCharacters: McGonagall, Snape
Rating: PG-13?
Warnings: intimations of unseemly professorial behaviour
westernredcedar: "Lavender's freak-out in the hospital wing -- from Snape's POV" / I didn't actually manage Snape's POV, but I think it should be possible to winkle out his opinion of Lavender's melt-down.
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Comments 31
/g/ I'm sure even Snape can get away with it only during their top/bottom game; any other time, he'd no doubt be hexed to oblivion.
Thanks for reading/commenting!
Alright then, enought of that lovely little fantasy - back to the salt mines for me !!!
Oh, most definitely! As Snape says earlier, she's "quite exacting" during her (toppy) turn.
Using the folds of their robes to hide his movement from any prying portrait eyes, he took her arm and stroked his thumb along the inside of her wrist. "Won't you?"
That melted me into a little puddle of McSnape-loving goo, that did. They're not my usual cuppa, but really. This was. Brilliant.
Offhand, I can't think of a teacher-centered story that follows the whole series, although I've read some that follow particular years or months. There's a rather fun McGonagall/Snape that takes place during the Chamber of Secrets year -- novel-length, with each chapter told from a different pov. It's called "Folie a Deux" on FFN. You have to suspend a little disbelief (some OOC moments), but then again, we're talking about a universe of magical beings in the first place!
Thanks again for the review.
I love this piece; it’s just full of wit. (As usual.)
And I enjoyed their banter so very much!
"Meaning that, having attended the Dumbledore School of Communication, you don't plan to share yours?"
tee hee hee Splendid!
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