Title: Harry's Little Secret Team: Epilogue Artist: thilia Prompt: 18. "This one time, at Hogwarts..." Rating: PG Warnings: Infidelity Summary: If you only knew...
Oooh, that was interesting! I really liked the parallel kisses and the way you've colored Harry's eyes- how there's green and red and ties. You've done Harry extremely well- he looks just like I'd imagine him- just the right amount aged (and his hair is perfect!). I feel badly for Ginny, and I wonder why exactly they choose to keep it a secret? I love kisses that start with truth or dare though!! And also how Draco's eyes are still closed after that first kiss and Harry looks so startled- it's fabulous. Lovely work!
I'm glad Harry looks like you imagined him. I was a bit worried that he wouldn't look old enough but I seem to have managed to give him the right age. Phew :)
I guess they chose to keep it a secret because Harry, always wanting to do the right thing, felt it was his duty to do what people expected of him. And Draco needed an heir, of course, so they just kept their love to themselves.
I love Truth or Dare kisses too and I've had this idea in my head as soon as I got the prompt :D
Comments 70
I'm glad Harry looks like you imagined him. I was a bit worried that he wouldn't look old enough but I seem to have managed to give him the right age. Phew :)
I guess they chose to keep it a secret because Harry, always wanting to do the right thing, felt it was his duty to do what people expected of him. And Draco needed an heir, of course, so they just kept their love to themselves.
I love Truth or Dare kisses too and I've had this idea in my head as soon as I got the prompt :D
Thank you so much. I'm glad you like it ♥
I mean it...Harry looks so wrenched inside, so guilty; it's palpable through the screen.
*smooches more*
He does... I'm glad I managed to get the guilty look right :D
*smooches (moar)*
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