Title: We Flood Empty Lakes
Team: Epilogue
turningleftPrompt: 15. He who can, does. He who can't, teaches the Dark Arts.
Wordcount: ~4700
Rating: R
Warnings: Angst, darkfic, dystopia, Epilogue-compliant, mindfuck, non-linear narrative, highly non-traditional/experimental structure, pretentious prose, postwar, profanity, references to canon
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Comments 30
You took a risk with the unusual formatting--although I liked the 'quotes' at the beginning of each section, I'm not in love with the bolding and enlarging font sizes--it was distracting and pulled me out of the story--at the point where I was--to look elsewhere on the page. The story itself is so strong that I don't think you need it. But then, realize that that's just me. :)
Your team should be proud--it's a great fic. One I'll have to save and reread.
Oh my goodness, but this fic hit me hard. You used the notorious second person to incredible effect, and your use of the space on the screen--left vs. right, italics, sizes, and most of all the fact that it's all just one long scroll, without pages or breaks--was absolute artistry. I had to read it a few times over before I really understood it, but I enjoyed every time!
Brava, lovely.
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