Title: We Flood Empty Lakes
Team: Epilogue
turningleftPrompt: 15. He who can, does. He who can't, teaches the Dark Arts.
Wordcount: ~4700
Rating: R
Warnings: Angst, darkfic, dystopia, Epilogue-compliant, mindfuck, non-linear narrative, highly non-traditional/experimental structure, pretentious prose, postwar, profanity, references to canon
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Comments 30
The pace, formatting and style. I just adore it. This is the type of writing that draws you in and makes you remember. Because it is different, and in your case, incredibly successful.
Congratulations and thank you so much for writing this gorgeous fic.
I do not know if I effectively explained what I wanted to. However, it was indeed a mindfuck and a bit of shock when Draco ended up dead. There was always and underlying theme of obsession, Harry's for the stone, Harry's for Draco and Harry's obsession for Draco melding with his obsession for the stone.
The end was a bit of surprise. Was it all a dream? The structure was also very interesting. I did like the fic, even thought it was very, very different from anything I have ever read. Great job. I think everything you wanted to come across was
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