Title: Reality is Broken
Team: Epilogue
acromantularPrompt: 9. Reparo in time saves nine.
Wordcount: ~2500
Rating: very NC-17
Warnings: Adultery, spanking, very mild bondage, rimming.
Summary: What must Harry break to have what he loves?
Author's Note: Thank you to my beta, E, who somehow manages to read my handwritten scribbles, and to my fantastic
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Comments 38
I liked the format, a lot. It was very fitting.
Yours begins much like my own; with events that happen directly after the battle. I like that Harry knows exactly what he wants (Draco) and how he answers when Draco asked him why him. It was the perfect answer. After that line I knew I was going to loved the rest of the fic. And I did.
Poor Ginny, having to find out from a memories. In her place, I would have rather have been told. As me, I would have taken the memories. That being said, the ending was very fitting and the Reparo that finished it all was perfect. Great job. I enjoyed reading it, especially because there was some smut, which had been greatly lacking in this fest. Don't get me wrong, there are still very great fics.
While finding out from memories was probably harder at first, I think it gives Ginny insight that words never could. Hopefully that will influence her actions. (and of course you'd prefer the memories - you're a pervy slasher!). And I agree - the fics have been a bit lighter on sex this time around. Certainly no comment on quality, just content.
Thanks for giving my fic a read, and for such a thorough comment! I'm glad to hear you liked it. Now I'm off to read yours - was away from Internet for a couple of weeks, and am just starting to catch up.
I'd like to think they'd have managed with our without intervention, but now of course it's totally unavoidable. ;)
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