Team Epilogue - 11. When in doubt, apparate.

May 02, 2009 22:03

Title: Ifs and Maybes
Team: Epilogue
Author: ennyousai
Prompt: 11. When in doubt, apparate.
Wordcount: ~2450
Rating: PG
Warnings: Spoilers for DH, but that's a given, no? ~_-
Summary: Harry and Draco have always known there was something between them. But sometimes what you want isn't the easy choice.
Author's Note: I was aiming for a sense of sadness in this fic in order to depict the tension between what you want and what you need to do. As such it isn't slash per se, but more along the lines of eternal UST. I hope it delivers.

Ifs and Maybes

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prompt: 11. when in doubt, pg, fic, team epilogue, round ii

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