Title: A Bad Case of Deja Vu
Team: EWE
bemygooddayPrompt: 22. I think I saw a Pensieve like this once...
Wordcount: 2,200
Rating: PG
Warnings: Horrible puns.
Summary: Nothing good ever came from the Department of Mysteries, nothing good at all.
Author's Note: Thank you to Kim and Mel for the speedy beta jobs! Also, this was my first attempt at not
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Comments 49
It was so clever and such fun!
In particular, I loved these:
So it was a crush. No big deal, just the sort of thing that naturally happens when you are cooped up with someone for a while. Even if that person was incredibly blunt and annoying, and made horrible puns, and slept naked. Even if that person were Malfoy, right? Natural.
* * *
"It's not natural, mate. He's Malfoy."
Ron always was one of Harry's more supportive friends.
Harry was a strange mixture of elated and murderous.
And the whole idea of deja vu` as an ailment was brilliant. :)
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