took the act this morning,, ha it was fun i suppose, it wasnt as hard as everyone put it out to be. ummm yesterday was pretty dope... i went to one of my seven classes... haha
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TODAY ... was a terrific day, i feel soo great today i dont even know why i feel like nothing could go wrong now, and it makes me happy. i dont even know why im like this but it feels good as woah.. get on what i am cause its crazy awesome... still gotta find some subs and a security system for the blaze blaze but its alright. AIGHT LATER.
Four brothers on friday had me thinking.... That movie was great, but is there ever going to be a point in my life when i have "brothers" such as the ones displayed on that movie?
Yes its nessicary that i take this call at 12 o clock on a wednsday, if you want to go on 9 week trips with the kids im gunna have to take a motherfuckin call on a motherfuckin wednsday. -ari gold, agent Entourage is the best show, if your a guy and havent seen it, consider yourself a punk ass
hey ben w. i gots a controversial topic, how about how people change and talk about you to your friends instead of telling you what the problem is instead? that sounds like a good one, a once good friend of mine just did that to me and i feel like shit.