Learns that superzombies are not, in fact, dismemberment-proof. (Superzombie)
Mr. Greenturtle II vs. The Straw Hat Pirates ends abruptly. (Luffy, Sanji)
Oh god Benio. Oh god Chizuru being a traitor regarding Benio. (Benio, Chizuru)
orz Delirium orz (Delirium)
Ty Lee
Ogling a shirtless god of thunder,
not feeling Azula's explanation for why she can't datehop,
being touchy-feely with Mulan, and
... ogling Thor some more except this time with Chuck and Misa. So all in all a productive day. (Thor, Azula, Mulan, Chuck, Misa)
Naked Day snippiness with the Dangerous Ladies. (Azula, Mai)
One-year anniversary post with Misa that's actually a week too early so I guess we're forward-dating it to 5/25 probably. (Misa, Gant, Kaiji, Mulan, Zidane, Zuko, Crow, Thor, Mikage, Yzak, Dmitri, Lulu, Ricochet, Mai, Izumi, Yamamoto)
[5/23] Watches Azula's dignity take a hit. (Azula)
Negi thinks of girls making out and it isn't Ty Lee and Misa's fault. (Negi, Misa)
Mocks Sokka as per usual. (Misa, Sokka, Suki)