Jisoubourei here! To lazy to log out. XDapotheosisfrostNovember 17 2005, 21:31:30 UTC
....Hmmmm. I suppose that you could use the song "Shh" by Frou Frou. I love that song and incorperated it into my layout, I think it would look awesome with an icon. XD
Hope that helps! If you can't find the lyrics let me know, I shall email 'em to yah!
Hello OOC!_chizuru_chanNovember 17 2005, 22:45:57 UTC
Hehe, hi there! This is Chizuru mun, and I'm here to pimp recommend any songs by Letters to Cleo. I'm stupid for them, even if most people remember them as "that band who had that one song in 1995 for about 2 minutes". I used their lyrics for naming the pages on my main journal mellfromva, as well as decorating the layout of my icon journal mells_icons. Wow, look at that; I've pimped three different things in one post. I need a rest.
Hi you don't know me, but I've been looking for a beautiful GS layout, and I stumbled accross the one you made for _mark_my_word_ and just loved it. I saw that you were credited and I was wondering if theres any way you'd make one for me as well? It's just gorgeous!
hey, sorry this took me so long to find, i havnt been on the computer any longer than it takes to look at my asap emails in a few months. If you still want me to make that layout for you I would be more than happy to do it. Just let me know what kinda things you want in it an ill do my best.
Comments 8
Hope that helps! If you can't find the lyrics let me know, I shall email 'em to yah!
S'anyway, here's some of their songs if you're interested. Good luck in making your icons!
This is great! thankyou! too great! X3
Have a wonderful day! &hearts
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