It's dark...I can't get into my room and I had to suck it up and stay. Wait...I'm not telling any of you where I am. If you want to know where I am that bad you can just figure it out!
Fuck's hot as hell and I have nothing to eat except this damn granola crap! Wait...wher WHO STOLE MY WATER AND GRANOLA!!!
Self defense classes...sounded interesting enough so I signed up for some. My first class is tonight. I quite enjoy the idea of being able to kick the hell out of someone take care of someone attacking me
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You know...I owe alot of people an apology. Multiple apologies. Never ending list of apologies. Except for one person...and that person can rot in hell for all I care.
Darling, I hope you're okay and surviving all this. I haven't heard from you in awhile. This collar really does nothing for any of fact I find it tight. Sorry random babbling.