Please check out style_daily, a new community dedicated to those who admire celebrities & their fashion choices. With already 80+ members before its opening week, we'd love to have even more active members who like to (a) post pictures of celebrities, or (b) admire celebrity fashion. So please join style_daily if you are interested! Open for posting on July 23rd!
[01-13] Britney Spears [14-19] Goodfellas [20-23] Gwen Stefani [24-29] James Dean [25-26] Kurt Cobain [32-44] Courtney Love [45-60] Lyrics [61-65] Paris Hilton [66-80] Super Mario Bros. [Video game] [81-105] Napoleon Dynamite [106-125] Rocky Horror Picture Show
80 icons containing: Sixteen Candles, The Lost Boys, Wayne's World, runway models, Gemma Ward, Paris Hilton, Lindsay Lohan, Jessica Simpson [one with Ashlee] and Christina Aguilera.