Title: Mythology (8/10) Pairing: Jack/Ianto Rating: R/NC17 Warning: None Spoilers: Set after 2.13. Spoilers for both series 1 and 2, and a bit of DW: Last of the Time Lords and The Shakespeare Code
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Dum dum derrrr! Argh! This is so cool - and I am sure we have some weird psychic connection - last time I though about this fic you updated and it just happened again today...*x files music* :)
Sorry... though I have to admit due to they small amount of time I've got at the mo I've not been reading WIPs for that few weeks, but I'm sure whoever else is cliffing (smirking at random GDL reference) they be a better updater than me
I would like to pretend that I pick my quotes from my in depth knowledge of the works of the bard; however, that would make me a big fat liar. Although I did remember - sort of - the Othello quote *g* I wanted use something from 'Much Ado..' as I love that play, but it hasn't panned out that way - bugger!
What I tend to do is use a website which lists quotes and tags them by topic. So know roughly what I want to convey and then pick 2-3 quotes and then use the one that fits best at that point :) The quote in this part mentioning immortality and gods just screamed at me, and I had to use it!
Comments 44
This is so cool - and I am sure we have some weird psychic connection - last time I though about this fic you updated and it just happened again today...*x files music* :)
I can think of much worse people than you to have a connection with! *g* and *snuggle*
Sorry... though I have to admit due to they small amount of time I've got at the mo I've not been reading WIPs for that few weeks, but I'm sure whoever else is cliffing (smirking at random GDL reference) they be a better updater than me
I'm working on chap 9... hopefully this part will be out quicker than the last :)
Only 2 chaps to go... nearly finished :)
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What I tend to do is use a website which lists quotes and tags them by topic. So know roughly what I want to convey and then pick 2-3 quotes and then use the one that fits best at that point :)
The quote in this part mentioning immortality and gods just screamed at me, and I had to use it!
Here's the website if you're interested:
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