Title: Mythology (8/10) Pairing: Jack/Ianto Rating: R/NC17 Warning: None Spoilers: Set after 2.13. Spoilers for both series 1 and 2, and a bit of DW: Last of the Time Lords and The Shakespeare Code
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another fun chapter. I like that Ianto makes Kelis apologize to Jack and then Jack doesn't just lash into her but offers her an olive branch. I find your take on how Ten sees Ianto quite intriguing. It's kinda sad; Jack is just as unique as Ianto but the Doctor can't see it. I also love that Ianto says no to the Doctor's offer, even as he keeps offering.
I'm glad the Ianto 'right' Jack 'wrong' worked well. And Jack's jealously is a many layered thing ;)
Although I doubt I'll write it, I can see Jack and Ianto travelling together ... afterall with Ianto's heritage I imagine him not needing a Tardis to move about :)
"Ianto led the pack,wondering what it was about long-lived men in long coats that meant he spent a large portion of his life running down corridors." MWWAHAHAHAHA! This was great. I felt for Jack,so hurt that the Doctor finds Ianto so "right" and Jack so "wrong". Another issue for Ianto to take up with him. Can't wait to see what happens next. Oh,BTW congratulations on winning the award for Constant!
The boys do have a bit to talk about... and I reckon I'll deal with most of it chap 10... though I dare say they'll be some sexing involved as well *g*
Comments 44
Love it.
Love this fic, too.
Thanks honey :)
Although I doubt I'll write it, I can see Jack and Ianto travelling together ... afterall with Ianto's heritage I imagine him not needing a Tardis to move about :)
The next bit is underway... but it has a serious chunk of psychic/TW4 handwaving imaginary in it that I have to get right :)
I have a plan... now all I have to do it make it make sense! LOL
Thanks about Constant... I is chuffed *twirls*
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