Title: Mythology (8/10) Pairing: Jack/Ianto Rating: R/NC17 Warning: None Spoilers: Set after 2.13. Spoilers for both series 1 and 2, and a bit of DW: Last of the Time Lords and The Shakespeare Code
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Yes, silly humans... I don't know, just because you've got beasties running about doesn't mean you can get distracted ;) Good job the doctor's about LOL!
I think no matter how much he would protest there's always a little bit of jealous!Jack (I think of him in Something Borrowed getting annoyed that Ianto is siding with Owen and the 'speaking ill of the dead' quote - LOL), and in this story Jack's jealous is a many layered beast *g*
Fabulous! I love the Doctor being a bit smitten with Ianto. And jealous!Jack was fun. Once again I am on the edge of my seat with anticipation for the next chapter. Psychic bomb? Can't wait!
I think the Doctor loves the unknown, something new and shiny will atrract his attention... and unfortunately for Jack that is this version of Ianto LOL
Oh I'm just glad we got more of this. YAY for Ianto figuring out it was his Aunt behind Jack's jealous behavior...and the Doctor crushing on Ianto lOL...too funny. Great chapter...looking forward you your Stopwatch fic :)
Thanks, honey. I'm trying to pull together the next part... it's coming along slowly! I think the Doctor loves things that are different and new... so my Ianto certainly fits in that category ;)
My stopwatch fic is not up yet... not sure when it will post. My requestoer wanted smut... and smut she got LOL!
Comments 44
Thank you very much for the update - looking forward to the next chapter!
I liked that all Kelis did was amplify the feelings Jack already had. Does that mean jealous!Jack hasn't gone away?
Hopefully next bit won't take too long but there is an important TW4 handwaving scene that might take time to get right :)
Oh yes... the pscyhic bomb *super skerit smile*
My stopwatch fic is not up yet... not sure when it will post. My requestoer wanted smut... and smut she got LOL!
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