Title: Mythology (8/10) Pairing: Jack/Ianto Rating: R/NC17 Warning: None Spoilers: Set after 2.13. Spoilers for both series 1 and 2, and a bit of DW: Last of the Time Lords and The Shakespeare Code
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If the Doctor's not careful, I'm going to punch him myself! He can see how much Ianto means to Jack, yet he's trying to tempt Ianto to leave Jack and go with him instead. Is he trying to take EVERYTHING from Jack because Jack's (in the Doctor's opinion) wrong? *Glars at the Doctor* It's partly your fault Jack's immortal in the first place!
Henshaw never got a chance to defuse the bomb. Did it go off?
Glad Kelis put Jack back the way he was and sort of apologised. They don't need jealous Jack to contend with on top of everything else.
Comments 44
Next part is coming along... slowly but surely - bloody real life!
Well I look forward to it and I hope real life isn't being bad to you.
I think Jack was lucky to get as much of an apology as he did - LOL... Kelis is a bit stubborn, must be where Ianto gets it from ;)
I just had a major LMAO moment. Brilliant.
Henshaw never got a chance to defuse the bomb. Did it go off?
Glad Kelis put Jack back the way he was and sort of apologised. They don't need jealous Jack to contend with on top of everything else.
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