Title: Breaking Up the Routine
Pairing: Jack/Ianto (J/OC, I/OC, I/10 - only mentioned in passing)
Rating: R
Spoilers: Anything aired is fair game, but not really spoilers.
Summary: Just because they can spend forever together, doesn’t mean they have to or want to. One shot - not related to any of my other stories.
rakinaDisclaimer: Don't own 'em
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Comments 65
Nicely done.
Like I said I am partial to a longer-lived Ianto, but in reality they'd kill each other... I think for normal mortal Ianto, Jack would stick around since being in Torchwood Ianto is unlikely to make it to old age! But an immortal Ianto? Well, the universe is a big place with a lot of potential... and neither of them would want to miss out ;)
There is a wonderful Alan Alda film called "Same Time Next Year" I think and this made me want to watch it.
Forever is just unconceivable for us poor mortals, but even as a happily married bod I could see the disadvantage of waking up with the same person for millennia! And as there is unlikely to be anyone else (even Time Lord die eventually)who could really understand their predicament I think they'd naturally drift back together.
And variety is the spice of life!
I hope the end of Mythology is going well, I've really enjoyed it as a series.
On the Mythology front, it's coming along quite nicely ... I really want to get it right since I hate leaving undeliberate loose ends!
Although it is alittle different to the 'and they all lived happily ever after'... y'know me, can't do anything straight!
Ianto is a very practical young man, and I don't see that changong just cos of trivial thing like being immortal LOL!
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