This was not planned very far in advance, & what I read in the info packet the shaman passed along through the woman who invited me said that it can be very dangerous to take if one is on any mental health pharmaceuticals. A week-long diet change involving removing of animal products is also strongly advised. I did think of you, but it seemed that more preparation would be in order than you had time to consider by the time I found out a conclusive date. Don't worry, love. There will be many more of these ceremonies, & I'll have a hand in arranging them in the future. You will definitely be invited with more than enough time to do whatever needs to be done to prepare.
I'm sorry you feel left out. I was thinking of you.
thank you. i am sorry for being so bitchy but my mood stabalizers are gone and my doctor is sick and i am lonely and have been trying to reach you all week to talk to you about something v. important. please call me today. i will be up late, till 12 at least. please call.
Comments 12
I'm sorry you feel left out. I was thinking of you.
how are you ?
I'm, hm, trying to do the right things.
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