yeah i've not hear anything either. she was grounded from the net the other week for like a day, maybe that days been hate to think what that would do to her though.
Something was wrong. But everythings okay now..sortve..not really. That one day I got grounded cuz I yelled at my mom cuz she slapped me across the face. Omg i yelled at her for hurting me,im such a sinner. Heh. Then after that day I went to this theme park with my cousin..then I went to the fonda fair the next day..then after that to Peck's Lake with some people. Then my dad found that someone had been on a porno site and he put this secure thingamahoosit on the comp and I had to kinda hack into it so I could get onto yeah,then I sortve..well nevermind,I'm okay. But yeah..I e-mailed you back Josh. Thanks for Caring Josh:) *hughughug* <333Rach
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