Title: Vile Violent Vacations
hells_half_acre Fandoms: Harry Potter, Supernatural
Rating: PG-13 (for language)
Genre: Gen
Word Count: ~121, 500 (each chapter between 4,000 and 5,000 words)
Warnings: Spoilers for all Harry Potter books, spoilers for Supernatural until 5x10.
Disclaimer: This is a transformative work of fiction for entertainment purposes only.
AN: Sequel to
Damned Demented Demons and
Bobby and Hermione - An Epistolary Fic .
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Summary: Harry invents a ruse in order to trick the Winchesters into taking a much needed vacation, only it turns out he really does need their help.
Behind The Scenes
Part 1 and
Part 2 Master Post for the
Demented!verse Artwork by
mattheal The entire work is now
available to read and download on AO3.