Your name: Katie
Your journal:
the_betrayerContact: harkness said @ aim
Other characters played at Passing: N/A
Character name: Charles Xavier
Character fandom: X-Men: First Class
Version: Version 1. Canon.
Canon point: After jumping into the ocean and saving Erik.
Importing development from old game? Nope.
Here we are. It isn't mentioned in there that Charles was born in 1932 and his mother is remarried.
Changes from canon, if AU: N/A.
Personality: Charles is the hopeful future leader of the X-Men who happens to not only think that your mutation is groovy, but also that those words could be used as a pick-up line. I mean, if you want to put it simply. He's so similar to his older counterpart in some ways (and very different in others) but is still growing into those shoes, so-to-speak. It is safe to say that Charles' mutation shaped him not only in his personality, but the life that he ended up leading -- up through why he chose the degree that he did when obtaining his PhD.
The most important things to note about Charles are his optimism and hope. Even from his youth -- just discovering that he was drastically different, Charles had the optimism that there were others in the world like himself (upon meeting Raven -- he seems so pleased and ecstatic that he was right, but you get the impression that even if he hadn't, he would have continued on believing it). Charles is driven by his desire to be accepted by society. Growing up with Raven (Mystique) was different for him -- as she is not physically normal and seemed to mention to him plenty that he had an easy enough time fitting in. He wanted a world where not only he could belong, but Raven and others like her could also fit in. Charles is someone who is extremely proud of who he is, and wants others to be proud as well. He has a strong hope that by continuing working, they will be accepted by average humans. Even after witnessing that the average humans would prefer that they all die (that they would declare war on them -- as per the end of the film), Charles is still hopeful that they can stand together. He believes the best in people. He spends much of the film trusting and befriending Erik Lehnsherr (Magneto), the man who would later not only put him in a wheelchair, but would become someone he struggles against constantly for the remaining portion of his life. Charles has belief that Erik can overcome rage, and can do the right thing until the very end. Is is -- it seems, the epitome of 'assuming positive intent'.
Some may consider his hope and optimism naive, but Charles is very aware that in order to achieve his goals of unity and peace, that it will take extensive work. Something to consider, though, is that Charles is still young, and therefore he is naive in some respects, simply because he hasn't quite faced the struggles that others have. After all -- he grew up in a privileged home and got a PhD from Oxford. He never really had to fight for much of anything.
Charles is very bright, and while naive, certainly not foolish (I wouldn't call him wise, either, though). His pursuit of education and his constant curiosity and search for knowledge define him. Charles not only wants to meet other mutants, but he wants to know what their mutations are, and he wants to understand them. He takes great pride several times throughout the film when those who he is surrounding himself with are succeeding with their goals. He enjoys being a teacher and a role model or the others, which is something that he carries on throughout all of his life. Charles also is very willing to put himself under Cerebro, despite whatever pain it may cause, and not knowing the consequences of it, just to find others like him. He is willing to take risks for the pursuit of knowledge. Of course -- he does make quite an "adorable lab rat".
Something else to understand about him is that he believes that people are the strongest when they are at peace with themselves and others. Throughout the film he encourages Erik to find a place between rage and serenity - to focus on good memories rather than bad to make himself stronger. Charles tells him that finding that place gives him the potential to be the strongest mutant (even stronger than himself, he admits). He is a confident individual who is very at peace with himself, and he wants others to find that in themselves.
He is a good-hearted person with heroic tendencies. Yes, we are all aware that he becomes Professor X, the leader and founder of the X-Men. He wants to help others like him, not only to understand their skills but to keep them safe. He is not afraid of tossing himself in the line of fire. At the end of the film, he throws himself in the line of fire to try and stop Erik from setting bombs towards humans which had fired upon them. Charles is not particular to who he helps - mutants and humans alike. He is someone who is very opposed to people dying needlessly. He's a peaceful person, and he does not approve of unnecessary fighting at this time. He would never, ever ask other people to sacrifice themselves for him, nor would he ever take back the sacrifices he's made for others. Later in his life, as Professor X, he is seen through multiple universes sacrificing himself for others, and I feel that is consistent with his personality represented in this film. Charles dove into the ocean after Erik, risking his life for a stranger. This leads me to think that because he is willing to risk himself for strangers, he truly would do anything for someone he cared deeply about.
Charles is a very poor flirt. He is friendly and approachable. People have an easy time talking to him and has an easy time talking to others. He is not afraid to approach any person that he should meet and spark up a conversation. Charles is about the furthest thing from smooth (contrary to his older self), though. He has very little finesse, but he makes up for this with his friendly and positive attitude. People are shown to like him just as much as he truly likes them. He's not really someone who would start a fight. He's a social butterfly with seemingly few boundaries on who he approaches.
Charles isn't all friendly, bad pick-up lines, and heroics, though. While when he is older and has that immense amount of pride for both himself and others, he tries to have it in his youth, but hasn't quite reached that stage in his life. He is not perfectly accepting of Raven's other appearance, and he has difficulty still with others who happen to have a physical mutation as well. Charles tries very hard not to seem off-put by it, and he isn't really, but he hasn't come to peace with it in the same way that he has when he's older. Raven calls him out on it several times, and he does deny it, but he always seems more comfortable the more human and "normal" she looks.
Some people may have issue with him needlessly invading their minds, and rules need to be set up around him in order for him to be kept out. He's working on it, really. For some reason, Charles never figured out that telling someone that you know everything about them is definitely unsettling. He makes a lot of mistakes throughout the film, so basically what I'm driving at here is that Charles is far from perfect. He doesn't always say the right thing, and he doesn't always tell you what you want to hear. If you ask nicely, sure, Charles will stay out until he asks you permission to step into your mind.
He's learning, and one day - he will become what he is as Professor X - a calm, collected, and older man who has an understanding and acceptance for all beings. He will not be, in the future, particular on whether they have a mutation you can see or one you cannot. At this time, Charles is a just a good-hearted young man, who is just starting to pursue his hopes for unity among humans and mutants. He makes mistakes and he grows from them. He hopes to become a leader, and knows that he just needs to take it one step at a time.
❝A new species is being born. Help me guide it, shape it, lead it.❞
Abilities: A lot of random skills that are included with his mutation, plus his natural smarts.
➜ Charles is a telepath, he can read minds first and foremost.
➜ He is able to delve deeply into someone's thoughts and history and pull memories to the surface (as seen when pulling a memory for Erik so that he can start to find peace).
➜ He can manipulate minds as well, once he is within them (as seen when the group is traveling together, and when a soldier opens the back of the van, Charles is able to manipulate it so that they see nothing; he also erases Moira's memories).
➜ He is able to project his thoughts into another's mind (as seen when diving into the ocean after Erik, and he tells him in his mind to "calm his mind").
➜ He is able to feel and search for other mutants.
➜ Although not stated explicitly, it is implied he has a strong sense of empathy, which is probably caused by being able to read the surface of thoughts more than anything.
➜ All of these abilities are strongly enhanced while in Cerebro -- over long distances.
Writing sample:
Charles stood underneath the helmet of Cerebro. Wires of several colors were coming out from the top of it. It was a crude design, at best, but he had hoped that it would be effective. He placed each hand on either side of the helmet, scoffing when he was asked if he could shave his head. He wouldn't have that, and he was indignant at the request that he should do such a thing.
For the first time -- Cerebro was turned on. Charles yelled out, and it was difficult to tell if it was from the joy of the sudden feeling of the mutants around the world or if it as the surprise and shock of all of those minds. He was certain after lengthy periods of time this would become painful. Above anything, though, Charles was happy that it worked. He was glad that he could reach out and find others like himself. He could help others learn that they were not alone.
After several moments, he pulled himself out from underneath the workings of Cerebro, and placed his hand on his head before lifting it up in the air in a silent celebration of success. It was so different to him, he smiled, looking quite pleased as he took a few steps around the lab. "This is amazing," he said. He moved towards Hank, who he had requested write down the coordinates for each of those mutants. Charles picked up the piece of paper and scanned over the list a few times.
"Each of those minds," Charles said as he moved a finger over the paper, "all of these like us, each searching out and wanting to not be alone." He felt as though he could celebrate, "And we will find them, and let them know that they are not alone. We could help so many people." Charles was aware of the work that it would take to get everything and everyone together, and was sure that they would get more of the answer "no" than "yes" on their search. He wasn't sure all mutants wanted to be called out about heir abilities; however, Charles was certain -- hopeful -- that all of the work would be worth it and that they could truly achieve something.
Voice sample:
( LINK 1 ) It's from an open meme.
( LINK 2 ) a post, just in case.
If they aren't sufficient, let me know, and I'll write something up.