I've discovered a brand new way to make a prat out of myself in front of other people. ALL you have to do is follow these steps and you too can be branded a complete and utter arse by your fellow co-workers
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I love visiting the cinema in the afternoon. With half the students having left town for the summer nobody goes to the afternoon showings meaning I have the place more or less to myself. This removes one of my two main problems with cinemas - if there are more than a dozen people there it is inevitable you'll get one cretin who somehow ruins the
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Turns out I might not be so screwed after all. After having my photograph taken with the rest of the inmates of the Physics building, I waited for seven hours to get my results. From those seven hours I learned the following
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Well, those went fairly abysmally. Two definite fails and three more in which I didn't get more than 50%. Assuming I pass the resits they'll kick me out with a 2:2 BSc, meaning that I have to go and get a job soon
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Relativity, Optics and Maxwell's equations tomorrow. The exam that will literally make or break my degree. I have devised a cunning strategy that means I can avoid the third of a course I suck at, but I absolutely need to get the remaining two thirds right in order to pass.