Dark Angel Fanfic Recs (Part 2)

Nov 29, 2006 23:05

I've found a lot of new fics over the past few months. Some I've highlighted in my journal, and others (the vast majority of them, actually) have gone unmentioned. Still, I'm feeling highly unproductive, so I figured I'd try to post a more complete list of fics. :)

All of these are Max+Alec | Max/Alec (or Alec character study) unless otherwise noted.

New Archives
His Vampira's Fanfiction

Standalone fics (either one shots or multi-chapter pieces)
As Lovers Go by CarrieICL - Alec's thoughts through "Some Assembly Required" (2x07)
Caged Hearts - They weren’t trained to love. They’re not even supposed to know what love is. So can they hide their feelings in a place that’s watching their every move? [rather cliched, but still an interesting view on what might have happened had Max not escaped in '09 with the rest of her unit]
Caring is Creepy by CarrieICL - Alec's thoughts through the closet scene in Borrowed Time (2x12) - with a slight AU twist at the end.
Close Quarters by alethialia - “Lookie here, we’re stuck together in an enclosed space with nothing to do. Again. Think someone’s trying to tell us something?”
Collision Course by Baloo - Max runs into 494. (pre-Pilot)
The Color Purple by Dreamer25 - Who stood by Alec in his time of need? He has no idea.
Conversations by Alexis - Logan thinks about the connection between Alec and Max.
Despite Your Destination by CarrieICL - If the cure from Borrowed Time (2x12) has been permanent, how would Alec have taken it?
Doesn't Really Matter - How Harbor Lights (2x13) really should have happened.
Dream Within by Restive Nature - A little accident causes Max to think of the future in an entirely new way. [I'm not a huge fan of the last chapter, but to that point, it's a interesting and unique story.]
The Edge In Your Affection Broke My Skin by glamorous_nymph -
Equal Opportunity by Infie - What if male transgenics also went into heat?
The Eye of the Needle by estel_willow - It was a lot like love, but it wasn't at all.
Figuring It Out by abrupte - Alec is surprised when Max wants a night out on the town. What he doesn't realise is that she's trying to leave Seattle.
First Christmas by Infie - Sometimes happy memories can hurt the most.
Flying by CarrieICL - There are things that Alec can’t fix.
A Good Place by abrupte - Set in Hello, Goodbye (2x17), this covers the aftermath of Max's confession to Alec about the circumstances surrounding Ben's death.
Harbour Lights - Another "Alec in Harbor Lights (2x13)" fic. What if Alec had been shot instead?
Heartbeat - What if Alec had been there during Harbor Lights (2x13)?
Hot Sweet Heat by Zacbele - First, an advance warning. This fic has serious, and I mean serious, grammar and punctuation and spelling issues. Like so much that I almost quit reading. But I had heard so many good things about this fic, in so many places, that I stuck it out to the end. It's a fantastic story, one that really focuses on the more feline and instinctual aspects of transgenic nature, and I've yet to find another DA fanfic that is similar in that regard. I have a Word document version of this fic on my computer, and I am gradually trying to sift out the multitude of grammar issues. The biggies are gone, but some little ones still remain. It'll never be perfect, but once it's better yet, I'll post that up here. If you'd like that copy though, versus the one that's available online, feel free to email me at my @LJ email address.
Identity Crisis by abrupte - When Alec starts to doubt who he is, Max has to convince him that such uncertainty is okay, and that he's more than just a number.
Life after the End by abrupte - Max thinks about life, love, the universe, and everything.
Livin' La Vida Loca by CarrieICL - Alec's thoughts throughout parts of Two (2x06).
Magnetism by Alexis - Logan, Max and Alec take a little road trip together. Logan reflects on the magnetic pull between Max and Alec.
Maybe You Just Missed the Sun by impertinence - She got out and he didn't, but they both remember too much.
A Mind that Knows Itself by impertinence - Alec's not alright.
Moment of Madness [darkangelfic.org/daf/Display?MomentOfMadness.Pari106] by Pari106 - Struggling to remain sane through her stay at Manticore, Max finds comfort in a moment of madness with a familiar stranger.
Morning After [darkangelfic.org/daf/Display?MorningAfter.Pari106] by Pari 106 - sequel to Moment of Madness
Not Quite a Consolation by mythverdandi - This time, Alec bets to lose.
Pulled Punches by CarrieICL - Missing scene, following Fuhgeddaboudit (2x15).
Retrieval by Shallowness (Max/Alec, Jondy/Alec) - Max goes to bring Alec home.
The Rules by abrupte - Max has rules, and they're going to drive Alec to the breaking point if he doesn't break them first.
Sexy Back by dazedizzy - Alec falls in love.
Status Quo by Baloo - Alec on Logan, as he thinks about the whole deal with Logan/Max at the end of ‘Freak Nation’.
Test of Wills by alethialia - “I’ve got doctors screaming at me to let them take you apart, see where this stubborn streak comes from, and I could do that. But I want you to do what I say. And remember it.”
Tricks and Treats by Alexis - Trick-or-treating, transgenic style.
What Do You See? by abrupte - Alec wonders what women see in Logan.
X5's in Heat [darkangelfic.org/daf/Display?X5sInHeat.Pari106] by Pari106 - Max goes into heat...enough said.

Series fics (compilation of one shots and/or multi-chapter pieces)
ASHverse by alethialia [ tag link to all fics and various extras]
And Still Hope - Hope, at the end of the world.
In Darkness, Comfort - Some things can be ignored, and then there are those things that can’t.
The Appearance of Perspective - Complexity can be misleading.
Two Stories - Of course it would come back to bite them in the ass.
A Day in the Life - She could run TC for a day. So not a big deal.
Once More, with Feeling - Old friends visit, Alec’s life continues to define bi-polar, and oh yeah, heat isn’t just a triennial thing. Who knew?
Children at Play - In which one can’t tell the adults from the two-year-olds. Well, besides the whole sex thing.
What It's All About - His assignment had been to follow around a friend. Now Sketchy had to face off with all the most powerful transgenics, a task he certainly hadn’t signed up for.

ASHverse companion pieces - these (thus far) have been "backstory" pieces that capture a part of Alec's life back at Manticore and do, in some way, impact one or more of the "standard" ASHverse stories [ tag link to all companion pieces]
Preemptive Defense (494/Lola, 494/Lola/511) - Bad stuff had happened and more was probably on its way, but there was this, now.
Falling for the Right Time (494/Mara) - What really caught her was him and the sheer intensity of his agony.

Drabbles from The Berrisford Agenda - darkangelfic.org/daf/Display?DrabblesInspiredByTheBerrisfordAgenda.Pari106

The Mission Series:
Hostile Territory by Era
Seek and Destroy by Infie
Search and Seizure by Infie
Learning of Alec by Infie
Cold War by Infie
Shelf Life by Infie

I'll eventually merge all of these into the original DA fic rec post, but I'm too tired/lazy to do so now. But, in case you missed the first one, there's the (re)link.

recs: dark angel, recs: general, fandom: dark angel

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