Past-Part Fills Post 1 -- CLOSED

Feb 26, 2011 13:32

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Rome/France - aeternum anonymous July 23 2009, 02:42:33 UTC
original request:

Rome/France; pseudo-historical Erastes/Eromenos relationship
[please imagine young France as innocent Gaul, I did my best, hope it's all right]


aeternum [1/??] anonymous July 23 2009, 02:43:56 UTC
He finally found the child sleeping in a small clearing filled with flowers, protected by a circle of sacred oak trees. The boy lay still as a corpse, as if his mother’s death had diminished his own life, only the slightest movement of ribs to betray him ( ... )


aeternum [2/??] anonymous July 23 2009, 02:46:06 UTC
It was near dusk when Rome swept into the tent, eager for a glimpse of his latest conquest. Resplendent in polished armor and scarlet cloak, Rome set his sword down and greeted his comrade warmly ( ... )


aeternum [3/??] anonymous July 23 2009, 02:48:11 UTC
The rest of the night was spent in revelry, Rome showing off his captive at every opportunity, but allowing no one other than Germania to come near, jealously frowning at even the serving maids bringing by delicacies. Gallia sat straight-backed, determined to not sully his mother’s memory, but the potent wine soon melted away stern thoughts, and eventually he had to open his mouth to accept the food Rome was offering. His head was swimming with Rome’s charming words and infectious laughter, his senses filled with that man’s vibrancy, overwhelmed by proximity to such power and warmth. Against his intention, he burst into half-drunk giggles the second time Rome tried to tickle him, the bright sound escaping his mouth for the first time in eight years. It was a miracle Gallia had the presence of mind to occasionally push Rome’s hands down and away, to keep them from sliding too far under the flimsy material of his tunic. He did not mind, not really, but everything was too new, too sudden, and before he knew it, his eyelids were ( ... )


Re: aeternum [3/??] anonymous July 23 2009, 11:09:35 UTC
Not OP but man~~~~~~

Anon is glad that Germania is included and is excited to read more! It makes it more interesting, rather than just Rome and Gaul!France.

Please write more. ^^


Re: aeternum [3/??] anonymous July 23 2009, 16:45:44 UTC
Not OP either (actually, this is seconding!anon), but crap, anon! This is fantastic! Rome's in a risky place indeed. It was endearing and quite creepy how he couldn't keep his hands off Gallia (it feels weird typing that), and I love Rome and Germania's interaction - friendly, but not too much so.

But I think the thing that's really captivated me is the Germania/Gallia interaction. Ever since I read, "before the Frenchmen were French, they were Germanic" I've been craving some Germania and Gaul/Gallia!France happenings. And you had Germania cleaning Gallia up.

To sum up, Molester!Rome + watcher!Germania + cute-pretty-little!Gallia + awesome!writing = a very happy reader. I can't wait until you update~


Re: aeternum [3/??] anonymous July 24 2009, 00:06:54 UTC
Thank you anon, writeranon is pleased to hear that people like Germania's inclusion. Hopefully the next parts will be worth the wait!


OP from wayback anonymous July 23 2009, 16:51:35 UTC

I had given up on this getting filled, let alone so WONDERFULLY!

I *adore* prickly Germania and arrogant Rome and Alea iacta est eeeee latin!!!! Gallia is so cute and I'm sniffling he lost his mommy, poor baby. I love that it's still kind of creepy and underage and drunk without being raperaperape and Rome thinks he's not being exploitative because this is normal, yeah?

And all the little historical details are so awesome. God, this is really well done and I'm very incoherent but this makes me totally ridiculously happy. *can't wait for more*


Re: OP from wayback anonymous July 23 2009, 23:58:13 UTC
Writer!anon thanks you for making such a hot request. I was waiting for someone to fill it, but since no one seemed to be, I did my best. This was one of my areas of research, so I was afraid everyone would be bored before the sexytimes happened. *fails at sexytimes*

I hope you enjoy the rest, anyway. (Recaptcha says obtain perverse... Hmm, yes, that will be happening.)


Re: aeternum [3/??] anonymous July 23 2009, 17:27:50 UTC
Just watched Troy last night so this is making me UNF like crazy in anticipation!!!


Re: aeternum [3/??] anonymous July 23 2009, 17:54:29 UTC
Anon... Not to be prickly, but what in the world does the Trojan war have to do with the Roman conquest of Gaul?!
I suppose I'm just confused.


Re: aeternum [3/??] anonymous July 23 2009, 20:04:09 UTC
NOTHING! With the exception that they're all clad in leather underwear and metal *kink* Mixed with this anon's geeking on pederasty and nanshoku. *just finished paper on it*


Re: aeternum [3/??] anonymous July 23 2009, 18:24:01 UTC
This is extremely relavant to Romeloving!anon's interests!

And you used Alea iacta est! <333 Latinspeaking!anon loves that!

This is so well written, and little France is so adorable, and sdighsdgishdgkjsdhgksdgsjdhgkjdshg.



aeternum [4/??] anonymous July 30 2009, 01:37:02 UTC
His dreams that night were tinged with anxiety and hues of loneliness. The treacherous wine had turned his limbs into lead, and though he could see his mother’s shade in the distance, he could never quite catch up to her. He shouted for her to stop, begged for her forgiveness, but she did not turn around to look at him. At last, when he could run no further, he heard the scream of an eagle in the sky high above, and he shivered in despair. He did not move as a pair of strong bronzed arms encircled him from behind, did not fight back as the republic staked claim to his body ( ... )


Re: aeternum [4/??] anonymous July 30 2009, 03:28:56 UTC
Not OP but YES!!! Another update! Much love to Germania here, and also curious puppy-like Gaul!France/Gallia. Makes me wanna hug him so badly.

The first paragraph with Gallia and his mother, and then Rome, was nicely executed. I like how subtle it is whenever Gallia made contact with Rome, or the little expressions and actions that are sure to send Rome over the edge. 8D

“Come, my sweet Gallia, I will teach you your letters.”
Highly anticipating this! \o/


aeternum [5/??] anonymous July 30 2009, 06:23:38 UTC
Patiently, he guided the boy’s hand with his own, first tracing over the curves and angles of the letters with their fingers before using a stylus and wax tablet to practice writing words together. Gallia’s brow furrowed in concentration as he spelled out his mother’s name with care, but Rome did not mind that too much, using this peaceful time to admire how the dark tan of his skin contrasted with the other’s unblemished paleness ( ... )


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