Past-Part Fills Post 1 -- CLOSED

Feb 26, 2011 13:32

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Accept the Things I Cannot Change - additional Omakes/Stories anonymous July 27 2009, 00:17:39 UTC
This is something of a continuation of “Accept the Things I Cannot Change, which can be found here:

As I told the Anons, there are some short stories I want to do. I have not decided whether or not I want to do the prequel I spoke of. I don’t know if I have the heart or the ability to write something so painful and against my personal code. That said, I want this to be a group of stories that expand upon the “Serenity-verse” and explain things not explicitly stated in the story, and a few things that come after. I will mention the parts they occur during and other relevant details.

I hope you’ll all continue to enjoy it. And thanks to everyone who left comments on the first story - you’re all awesome, strong people.

(Mods, if this is not acceptable, please remove it and I’ll just post the stories on my personal journal when I out myself.)


Our Price is Solitude [1/?] anonymous July 27 2009, 00:24:45 UTC
This first story takes place sometime during parts 17-19, and explains what Ivan told Alfred earlier that day. This is the part of the story where Bonus #2 is referenced in further detail.

Also, I thought I’d take this time to correct a continuity error that another anon pointed out to me. Matthew’s eyes were blue in the story, because I didn’t get a chance to see any official colored art of Canada by Himayura and thus thought his eyes were blue. In this story, they’ve been readjusted to their canon purple.

Finally, I ask you trust me, and that you enjoy this.

Ivan is walking back to his room when he nearly bumps into a bolting Alfred.

He manages to step aside in time, but not before he sees the look in those blue eyes.

Terror. Entrapment. The need to get away.

Ivan feels his body jolt and jerk as he remembers a dirty lead pipe, green eyes and tangled brunette hair, and tears.

“I-Ivan, please…please don’t hit me I promise I didn’t mean it I’ll work harder!Ivan shivers and feels his spirit curl in on itself. He opens ( ... )


Re: Our Price is Solitude [2/?] anonymous July 27 2009, 01:34:51 UTC
“Ivan ( ... )


Re: Our Price is Solitude [3/?] anonymous July 27 2009, 02:38:51 UTC
Green eyes open, and Ivan feels a low snarl vibrate in the walls. Ivan steels himself for a moment against the anger threatening to overrun his system and forces his smile all sweet and nice ( ... )


Our Price is Solitude [4/?] anonymous July 27 2009, 14:19:42 UTC
Of course he’d say so, Ivan thinks. Flickers of Toris, of Eduard and dear, dear little Raivis, skitter through his mind. His jaw tightens along with his hand, trying to keep the red at bay. “You don’t think he was scared?” he asks instead, surprised at how even his voice sounds against the rising storm.

For a moment, something different flickers in Arthur’s eyes - confusion, consideration, something a bit more whole than before - but it fades before Ivan can get a handle on it. “And who are you to speak to me?” he asks, narrowing his eyes. “Am I to forget your Iron Curtain, Ivan, your Baltics ( ... )


Quick Writer's Notes anonymous July 27 2009, 14:27:24 UTC
At this point, I have not yet decided if Arthur's actions are due to mental instability or if he really did want to control Alfred. That's why I left it a bit ambiguous in this part.

Readers are welcome to pitch in with their own thoughts and opinions. I just want to make it clear that if Arthur is mentally unstable, and if he eventually recovers from said instability, that Arthur's condition will not serve as an excuse for what he did. Arthur will agree, I think, that he still must take responsibility for his own actions. Arthur's mental condition will serve as an explanation, nothing more.

Again, though, I really would value reader input on this. I'd like to challenge myself and write this as if Arthur's actions were from mental instability - but I don't want to cause undue pain or insult those who have been hurt. At any rate, I have a few other stories I'd like to get to before that.

Thank you for reading, everyone.


OP <3 anonymous July 27 2009, 17:02:06 UTC
Ah, I was so, so happy that Russia's "revenge" wasn't overly violent or actually shooting Arthur, but rather, giving him a taste of what he made Alfred suffer through. It is, undoubtly, much more fitting, I think ( ... )


Our Price is Solitude [5/5] anonymous July 27 2009, 18:38:01 UTC
___ ( ... )


OP <3 anonymous July 27 2009, 23:55:15 UTC
;_; This extra part was so lovely. Oh Ivan...~ I'm so happy for him.


Not-OP loves you! <3 anonymous July 28 2009, 01:02:43 UTC
I constantly had your fic up on a tab in my internet browser and kept refreshing it whenever I got the chance. I'm so pleased you're continuing on with this 'verse ( ... )


Re: Our Price is Solitude [5/5] anonymous July 28 2009, 04:29:13 UTC
Oh, Writernon. After sitting with the comment window open for so long, I was about to click away because I couldn't think of how to put my feelings into words. But this is too beautiful not to at least say something, even if it's only "thank you for writing this."

I just wrote some stuff about the "less special" motivation Arthur tells himself to justify his actions, but I don't know how you feel about the place of real-world politics in Hetalia fandom. Suffice to say, I think that was some smart storytelling.

Back to more emotional responses: Ivan. Thank you for this Ivan. You've teased out such wonderful layers and dimensions to his character; the words breathe. I don't know what else to say, except I hope you write in this 'verse for a long, long time to come.


Re: Our Price is Solitude [5/5] anonymous July 28 2009, 06:39:09 UTC
I admit I might be coming at this from a biased perspective, as I was assaulted as a child, but... what do you mean by 'mental instability'? There isn't really any sort of 'mental instability' that would make or even really encourage these actions. What you'd be looking at is personality disorders. He might pass Hare's definition of Psychopath (although I'm not sure I'd classify him as Anti or Diss), but... well, a Psychopath is a Psychopath. There's nothing 'wrong' with their brain: insanity without delirium and all that. And such behavior cannot be treated, and isn't as... there's really no way to fix it save for the person themselves fixing it, which does not happen ( ... )


Writernon anonymous July 28 2009, 07:03:40 UTC
No, you've certainly not overstepped your bounds. I understand how sensitive a topic this can be, especially to so many who have been hurt, and I feel I have a tendency to be too forgiving and willing to see the good in people, even if that goodness does not exist. I've also taken psychology, and as I've said before, I do not tolerate non-consensual acts of any kind. It can go either way right now, which is why I want input so that I make the right choice and avoid hurting people.

...I will admit that I had the Nation's current economic states in mind when I thought of writing that. I remember reading in another fill that the UK will take the longest to recover from the economic crisis; I do not quite remember which one it was, though I could try to find it. It will take a lot of digging through the KM Archives, which I'm not quite up to doing at 3AM (my apologies ( ... )


Re: Quick Writer's Notes anonymous July 29 2009, 02:33:21 UTC
I'm a little late to the party, but I wanted to comment and say I'm glad you're writing to fill in some of the blanks from the original story. If you don't feel comfortable writing a prequel I think that's cool because most of the questions I had are being answered in these short stories. I'm sure I'm not the only person who'd be happy to read more of whatever you feel like writing in this vein ( ... )


Writernon thanks you anonymous July 29 2009, 02:44:38 UTC
At this point, I'm leaning more towards Arthur's actions being deliberate. Haven't made up my mind, but if Arthur's sane, then it opens up a whole other realm of possibility, including a full sequel where Arthur is tried for his actions. (And because I'm such a crossover whore, I'd be able to integrate this with one of my other fandoms. Which would still be a challenge, considering the difficulty in integrating two different worlds and making them mesh, but I think I can pull it off.)

Thank you for your input, Anon! Glad you're enjoying this!


OP <3 anonymous July 27 2009, 01:42:10 UTC
This has gotten such a life of it's own, through your ideas and work, writernon, that I'm not sure I can really claim myself to be the OP anymore XD

I love your rendition of Russia. It's tragic, and so very like how I imagine him to really be; not just violence, as many make him, but hurting, and with an internal logic that makes his previous actions a discomfort. It's both lovely (in the way it is presented) and terribly sad to read about, how he just loses himself to old memories.

I'm interested in seeing the way his thoughts will continue to progress, and to also see more clarification as to just what happened between himself and Arthur. I never really thougth about it until Russia himself expressed the thought, but he and Arthur are in similiar postions in this verse. And "Serenity-verse" is such an accurate name, writernon

As always, I'm glad to see yet another piece to this lovely series <3


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