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- Sorry it's so fluffy.
- Historical accuracy will be the death of me.
- Iberia/Hispania/Ispania? D; I'm just sticking to 'Spain'.
- I never quite grasp how old anyone is ever supposed to be. So imagine Spain is whatever age makes you comfortable.
Carthage is old and weary of fighting, and Rome is still young and willing to fight until his weapons dull, brittle and break, because the thrill of conquest is more pleasing to him than wine, better yet still than partaking in cannabis ( ... )
and i totally love it, but rome would name the boy Hispania, which would later in time, after the fall of rome, call himself Spain.
but it's FUCKING LOVELY all the same, and i don't want to be a bother, but yeah. OTL.
There's already a Rome/Gallia!France going around, another fic with Rome and Spain interaction, and yay for another one of Rome/Spain! \o/ This meme dearly needs more of Rome!!!
That said please continue... 8DDDDDDDD
Anon is curious if you've written other fills, since I've seen the usage of the blue line. =]
It doesn't really bother me, I know you guys are attempting to educate my fail grasp of history. xD
Uhm. Yeah. Author!non has written Rumba, Taste and should really be working on Christen sometime soon. >_>
Can't say no to more conquering/molesty Rome.
- Anon is crazy, but thinks Rome might really regard Spain affectionately. He certainly looks as if he could be his son/shares some of N.Italy’s personality traits.
"Er--" Hispania's tugging on his hair grows insistent, trying to get Rome to cease, which irritates the warrior until he comprehends that those sounds are words attempting to form a question between the gasps of pleasure. He stops using his mouth but the hand remains, blunt nail flicking lazily at the ruched nipple ( ... )
This is getting better!!! Love how this is going between the both of them. Anon likes how Hispania/Spain isn't as clueless as he seems, regardless of how young he looks, because he has seen and knows of such acts himself.
He begins to grasp why people can go mad with desire.
A wonderful way to describe it. ^^
I'm actually really glad that you made Rome and Spain's relationship fluffy and relatively healthy (rather than say, angsty and dysfunctional). That's probably how it would have been in canon seeing as historically speaking, Rome did a lot more building that destroying during his rule of Spain.
I love your depiction of Spain (I'm going to address him as Spain here rather than Hispania, just for consistency's sake), how he's young, but not entirely innocent, and optimistic, but not recklessly so. I also love your depiction of Rome, how he's sort of this gentle giant beneath all the armor.
I think I mentioned this before in Rumba, but it bears repeating again: one of my favorite things about your writing is that you include these little details about each country's history (I love love love the bit of foreshadowing of the future Spanish Empire), and they're all so appropriate and fit ( ... )
That's largely why it went as fluffy, Spain didn't really seen to suffer under Rome's rule, and in the end it was all relatively amicable in comparison to what Rome did to the Gauls. There were even a lot of Romans who once they visited Spain, decided that was their true native land. (instead of Rome.) It almost struck me as sort of England and US, with Rome viewing Spain as one of the places where he could go, chill out and not have to be on guard.
Aww. D; Author!anon is flailing and blushing at your praise and feeling bad this is taking so long. But it WILL be finished. Just distracted as of late.
Anyway! ♥ This anon is happy that you like the fill so far and wants to go ♥ at you too because obviously your prompts make me go 'squee' enough to pick them up blindfolded out of thousands, twice. :D
Rome removes the lorica hamata, knows from practice how to do it blindly and swiftly, as the sun is setting and once twilight deepens, slaves will come to light the lamps. He doesn’t want them interrupting, even if he has engaged the lock ( ... )
Oh Rome, oh Hispania... It's so wrong and it's so right at the same time. Hispania being shy but still trying to please Rome, while Rome holding back slightly, rather than just ravishing on the young boy.
Is glad that it's intercrural instead. >_< Well it's canon in history...
Ngh~ One last part left. Can't wait for it!
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