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How have you been? It’s been a long time since I’ve managed to sit down and write you! I’m sorry for any dust, I’m still on the Wagon Trail so y’know. Dust is normal. It’s been pretty awesome though, it’s not just a stroll in the park either. There’s a lot of work to do. Though, I was already banned from making any of the meals by Becca. She said I was a lost cause… Reminded me of you actually. I remember you told me I was a lost cause when you tried to teach me to cook after the war… She didn’t get why I laughed so much. Heh. But right, it’s been really hard. I mean, I expected the work, but still. Man, I didn’t really expect it, y’know?
I’ve met a lot of really great people here. Except Vincent, I want to punch that guy in the face. He just knows how to push my buttons. And it seems to be his past time to make me cry… I’ve gotten the nick name “cry baby” now. Not everyone calls me it, but it’s enough t be really annoying ( ... )
(re-captcha: $2,882,000 fudge. WAT)
...why do i phail at anoning?!
“That was once! And I stubbed it really hard ( ... )
And did I see Arthur ninja his way into this chapter? Could have been my imagination...
Glad to see you updated!
Out of all the people I expected, I did not expect Prussia.
And don't think I didn't see what you did thar. England is totally there.
captcha: Amer- outvotes ...America outvotes what?
Your story is as wonderful as ever. I noticed how you used my veteran excuse as to why Al was not being a cry baby. Soldier!America is awesome and so canon. He started with war and continued the tradition for every following generation. Better get used to your soldier side Al. I'm sure Gilbert can help.
England might not be there, but it looks like the UK is in the house /o/
I can't wait for the next parts!
Gilbert is one of my fav characters~ <3
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