Hetalia Kink meme part 10 -- CLOSED

Feb 26, 2011 14:03

axis powers
hetalia kink meme
part 10



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Fill #2: "Phases" [1a/??] anonymous February 25 2010, 20:25:30 UTC
Note: So first of all, I'm *not* 2nd Fill Offering anon. Instead, I am kamikaze fill sneak-attack anon. Quite some time ago, I wrote another Russia/America mpreg (http://hetalia-kink.livejournal.com/10530.html?thread=16618274#t16618274). I bring this up because this current fill can but does not have to be considered a much fluffier sequel to that fic, as I will likely be bringing in an older version of that fic's Alaska character for a cameo or two in this one.

Phase 1: Launch

Over the many, many years he had been a part of this earth, Russia had gained something of a reputation. And, like any truly worthy reputation, it was thorough. It incorporated all of the senses: the scent of gunpowder and dried sunflower, hearing a faint kolkolkol in a dark, seemingly empty room, feeling as a lead pipe slams into the side of your head, tasting rust as your own blood coats your tongue, and finally opening your eyes again only to see a wide grin looming ( ... )


Fill #2: "Phases" [2c/??] anonymous March 1 2010, 04:11:31 UTC
It had been far from the first time he'd touched America's middle during the pregnancy, so Russia had expected the area to still be as flat and firm as usual However, he had been shocked by what he felt. It was certainly still firm, but he'd thought he could feel a slight curvature that normally wasn't there. He'd gently prodded the area in a circle and drew in a long, shaky breath when he realized he was right.

Hold their bodies close and securely, because they like nothing more than feeling warm, protected, and loved. Russia moved his other hand, allowing it to join its twin. Together, they had easily covered the entirety of the newfound swelling. “This is all I can do for now,” he'd whispered softly. “Is it OK, little one ( ... )


Fill #2: "Phases" [2d/??] anonymous March 1 2010, 04:16:17 UTC
“-to Ivan. Come in, Ivan,” America called, waving his hand in front of Russia's face. “You've been staring at me for probably five minutes, barely blinking. I was starting to wonder if you'd died ( ... )


OP anonymous March 1 2010, 05:19:32 UTC
This fic just lights up my day. The 'fish lawyer' made me laugh out loud. XD It was totally a fish who also happened to be a lawyer. Russia obsessing over the baby bump is too cute.


Re: Fill #2: "Phases" [2d/??] anonymous March 1 2010, 05:39:51 UTC
I think a fish lawyer is a lawyer for fish.

A lawyer fish would be a fish that is also a lawyer.

I think.


Re: Fill #2: "Phases" [2d/??] anonymous March 1 2010, 05:52:26 UTC
I love thsi so uch, it's so cute!


Re: Fill #2: "Phases" [2d/??] anonymous March 1 2010, 06:30:16 UTC
I died at the fish lawyer. I was SO not expecting that. xD Oh America, you are so cute. ♥

And awwwwwwwww, Russia.

"the borneo" No, ReCaptcha, I don't think that's what the baby's going to be.


Fill #2: "Phases" [3a/??] anonymous March 9 2010, 04:02:37 UTC
And yet more!

Phase 3: Waste Management Protocol

Russia gazed with trepidation as America deposited several objects on the dining table. First came a few disposable diapers, then wipes and powder formulated for newborns, followed by a small cloth, and finally an already diapered plastic baby doll. America stood at his side, his hands on his hips. “Can you guess why I've gathered all of this stuff together?”

Russia's brow furrowed in confusion. “You said you were going to teach me about changing diapers...”

“I am! But why did I gather everything together first, instead of getting started right away?”


“Well, yes,” America said. “But there's something more important than that. Step One: gather everything you'll need beforehand, because once you start you can never leave the baby alone even for a second ( ... )


Fill #2: "Phases" [3b/??] anonymous March 9 2010, 04:06:31 UTC
The taller nation nodded and accepted the doll. However, the moment his large hands closed around its midsection, its left leg popped off and landed on the floor with a soft 'thump'. Both nations stared at the chubby leg on the ground, slightly slack-jawed.

Eventually, Russia looked up at his lover with a look that seemed to cry out, Oh God, I've killed the baby!

America laughed awkwardly as he stooped to pick up the leg. “H-hey, don't look like that! It's not your fault at all. The doll is just totally crappy, that's all! And I bet it was made in a totally crappy, no-good place! That's definitely it. Let's see who's to blam-” There, stamped on the soul of the fallen foot in small letters, were the words 'MADE IN U.S.A.Light reflected dangerously off of America's glasses as he took the doll from his lover's slackened hands and tossed it aside. “Forget where the doll came from,” he muttered ( ... )


Fill #2: "Phases" [3c/??] anonymous March 9 2010, 04:10:57 UTC
“Da,” Russia said as he laid the bag, creepy-face side up on the table and slid the new diaper beneath it. “Now what ( ... )


Re: Fill #2: "Phases" [3c/??] anonymous March 9 2010, 04:58:17 UTC
Well if we're going cliche then that can go one of two names if we're talking Russian names... one of them is my iddle name the other is one of my sister's middle name :]

I love this fill it's so cute.


OP anonymous March 9 2010, 05:05:29 UTC
I totally know what the name is. :D If you and cliches get married, then me and Russia's bittersweet relationship with the Romanovs are getting hitched too. We can have a double wedding. ...I am right, aren't I? I'm going to feel stupid if I got that one wrong, lol.

And the whole diaper changing crash course was too funny and cute. :D I love how Russia is trying to be so professional about it. And panicking over the doll breaking, aaaaah, why is he so adorable? This is my favorite fill ever, anon. No lie.


Kamikaze Filler Anon anonymous March 9 2010, 05:22:57 UTC
You are indeed correct. Our double-wedding shall not be in vain!

Haha, this won't be the last time I'll be playing around with Russia's SRS BB BSNS, so I'm glad you're enjoying it. I've got bits and pieces of several other parts written, so it's just a matter of picking whichever one is next chronologically and going to town. Lord, I cannot wait to get to the baby shower part, since I get to bring several other boneheads into the mix.


OP anonymous March 9 2010, 20:29:38 UTC
Baby shower! I didn't even think of that one. Oh man, I'm psyched for that. XD


Re: Fill #2: "Phases" [3c/??] anonymous March 9 2010, 05:34:54 UTC
You probably know this already, but the name Anastasia means resurrection... now naming the new baby that would be even more cliche :D

Russia breaking the doll's leg... poor guy, he is horrified lol And the part in which he tries to imagine what his daughter is going to be like is so beautiful...


Kamikaze Filler Anon anonymous March 9 2010, 05:40:19 UTC
I did, in fact! I believe my reaction upon seeing that meaning was, "Ohohohoho, goooood." Possibly accompanied with steepled fingers and a maniacal glint in my eye.


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