[Part 8] Anything Goes: USUK, AU based loosely on Chobits (I Can't Stop Loving You)-Placeholder
January 16 2011, 22:14:56 UTC
I've been told that there was an actual Chobits prompt, but I can't find it. If you happen to know where it is, mind sending me a link? Anyway:
Summary of the story thus far: When Arthur was 19 he bought a laptop, shaped as an adorable toddler which he named Alfred. Six years later, Alfred breaks down. Rather than lose his precious little boy, he has Alfred's data and AI transferred into an adult Companion unit. Alfred's new body complicates their relationship with tension Arthur hadn't been prepared for. Their growing misunderstandings and feelings lead to something regrettable.
Scared and confused, Alfred flees after another misunderstanding.
[Part 8] Anything Goes: USUK, AU based loosely on Chobits (I Can't Stop Loving You) - [13a/20?]
January 16 2011, 22:27:34 UTC
Alfred had no idea where he was going. He raced in the exact opposite direction of the subway, just trying desperately to get away from Kiku’s apartment.
“He’s just not the same.”
He couldn’t pick up any Wi-Fi signals out here, (wherever here was) but he couldn’t bring himself to slow down to start checking for street signs. His surroundings blurred around him as he ran, occasionally ducking around people who would shout at him as he skimmed past him. All he could think of was the indisputable need to escape, to run away to some place else. His Third Law protocols must have tripped, along with his distress program. Alarms were still blaring in his head, although now there were warnings popping up about stress in his legs as well.
Finally, the stress warnings overrode the other alarms and Alfred allowed himself to slow down. Panting to relieve his overheated system, he managed to glance around. Nope, not familiar at all. A street sign at the end of the corner would have been helpful, had been able to find a Wi-Fi signal.
[Part 8] Anything Goes: USUK, AU based loosely on Chobits (I Can't Stop Loving You) - [13b/20?]
January 16 2011, 22:32:20 UTC
Well, no one’s noticed me yet (or at least cared to), he thought and slipped inside, trying to manage a casual stroll over to the outlet. Either no one cared that there was a computer running around, or no one noticed. Either way, Alfred happily plopped down and plugged himself in.
For four hours, he sat there (he didn’t dare power down or even go to screensaver mode, lest someone walk up on him) until he realized people were starting to leave. Rather than risk being caught or shut in for the night, Alfred unplugged himself and sidled up next to the workers (looking like you belonged in a group was an easy way to slip in and out of places you couldn’t normally get into, Arthur told him once while they worked on a case. Something in Alfred ached at the thought and he quickly stopped the thought process in its tracks) as they filed out, only peeling away as they walked past the first alleyway
( ... )
Re: [Part 8] Anything Goes: USUK, AU based loosely on Chobits (I Can't Stop Loving You) - [13b/20?]
January 16 2011, 23:37:15 UTC
Wait! first night, of many, many nights, of sleeping on the streets.? So Arthur won't find him soon? *pouts and cries* This story is breaking my heart, anon. I just, I just hope Alfred doesn't find anything truly nasty in the streets.
Re: [Part 8] Anything Goes: USUK, AU based loosely on Chobits (I Can't Stop Loving You) - [13b/20?]
January 17 2011, 00:00:52 UTC
Bawww, you bad person, that last line takes away all my hope for a quick resolution to the angst ;_;
I feel incredibly bad for Al, but even worse now that you've made me realise what's at stake here: his very self. The wiping part, his greatest fear, is so tragically sad that it made me tear up.
He seems to be doing well for himself, though. Naive in some ways, but crafty and independent, self-reliant, in others.
January 17 2011, 00:30:09 UTC
Sorry, but we still have 6+ chapters to go, no quick plot resolutions just yet. The angst will let up a bit though. Alfred's still in the middle of realizing how bad everything got screwed up.
He is terrified of losing his memories, which is half the reason he took off like a bat out of hell. Even if he had stuck around, if he heard Arthur when he said it'd be okay for Al to lose the memories of the last week, Alfred would have flipped out.
Well, he is a computer--he works from a logical standpoint if he can focus. Unfortunately, his creativity isn't so great from there--that's one point where computer!Alfred and canon!America differ. He has to be self reliant in that sense.
Re: [Part 8] Anything Goes: USUK, AU based loosely on Chobits (I Can't Stop Loving You) - [13b/20?]
January 17 2011, 02:53:25 UTC
Poor Alfred...! and that's just about all I can say... except for, excellent! Excellent fic! I can say with honesty that my whole being lit up with joy when I saw this had been updated.
Re: [Part 8] Anything Goes: USUK, AU based loosely on Chobits (I Can't Stop Loving You) - [13b/20?]
January 17 2011, 16:24:06 UTC
Oh Alfred, sweetheart...don't worry hon, I don't think it's your fault much, I just blame Arthur! :D He's the authority figure for you, after all, and did he EVER just explain anything? Oh, but of COURSE not. Goddamnit, Arthur, I can't stop being mad at you. :(
I can't help but worry whether Alfred is both First and Second Law compliant as well? I have this awful fear that he'll be attacked by hoodlums or something, and that he won't be able to defend himself... ;_;
January 17 2011, 17:11:41 UTC
How the three Laws interact depend on the computer in question--Companions tend to have weaker Third Law programs (for S&M purposes, not that some owners don't abuse that loophole) but Alfred, who technically has stronger Second Law programs but after 6 years he's learned how to work around them if Arthru doesn't make an implicit command, has a stronger version, hence why he ran. If a group jumped Alfred he would try to flee but if it came straight down to it, he could accidently kill someone in defense. Not a whole lot of people would want to risk attacking a Companion since even the weakest looking ones can benchpress a car. This will be coming up again though.
I put a lot of thought into this. Too much? Oh well. Thank you for the comment!
You didn't miss anything; author!anon probably just assumed most people knew this from science fiction, popular movies, etc. Maybe it was even in Chobits?
Summary of the story thus far: When Arthur was 19 he bought a laptop, shaped as an adorable toddler which he named Alfred. Six years later, Alfred breaks down. Rather than lose his precious little boy, he has Alfred's data and AI transferred into an adult Companion unit. Alfred's new body complicates their relationship with tension Arthur hadn't been prepared for. Their growing misunderstandings and feelings lead to something regrettable.
Scared and confused, Alfred flees after another misunderstanding.
Request: http://hetalia-kink.livejournal.com/11411.html?thread=23682451#t23682451
Fill, Chapter 1-12: http://hetalia-kink.livejournal.com/17465.html?thread=62436409#t62436409
“He’s just not the same.”
He couldn’t pick up any Wi-Fi signals out here, (wherever here was) but he couldn’t bring himself to slow down to start checking for street signs. His surroundings blurred around him as he ran, occasionally ducking around people who would shout at him as he skimmed past him. All he could think of was the indisputable need to escape, to run away to some place else. His Third Law protocols must have tripped, along with his distress program. Alarms were still blaring in his head, although now there were warnings popping up about stress in his legs as well.
Finally, the stress warnings overrode the other alarms and Alfred allowed himself to slow down. Panting to relieve his overheated system, he managed to glance around. Nope, not familiar at all. A street sign at the end of the corner would have been helpful, had been able to find a Wi-Fi signal.
Now where ( ... )
For four hours, he sat there (he didn’t dare power down or even go to screensaver mode, lest someone walk up on him) until he realized people were starting to leave. Rather than risk being caught or shut in for the night, Alfred unplugged himself and sidled up next to the workers (looking like you belonged in a group was an easy way to slip in and out of places you couldn’t normally get into, Arthur told him once while they worked on a case. Something in Alfred ached at the thought and he quickly stopped the thought process in its tracks) as they filed out, only peeling away as they walked past the first alleyway ( ... )
I feel incredibly bad for Al, but even worse now that you've made me realise what's at stake here: his very self. The wiping part, his greatest fear, is so tragically sad that it made me tear up.
He seems to be doing well for himself, though. Naive in some ways, but crafty and independent, self-reliant, in others.
He is terrified of losing his memories, which is half the reason he took off like a bat out of hell. Even if he had stuck around, if he heard Arthur when he said it'd be okay for Al to lose the memories of the last week, Alfred would have flipped out.
Well, he is a computer--he works from a logical standpoint if he can focus. Unfortunately, his creativity isn't so great from there--that's one point where computer!Alfred and canon!America differ. He has to be self reliant in that sense.
and that's just about all I can say... except for,
excellent! Excellent fic! I can say with honesty that my whole being lit up with joy when I saw this had been updated.
I can't help but worry whether Alfred is both First and Second Law compliant as well? I have this awful fear that he'll be attacked by hoodlums or something, and that he won't be able to defend himself... ;_;
I put a lot of thought into this. Too much? Oh well. Thank you for the comment!
You didn't miss anything; author!anon probably just assumed most people knew this from science fiction, popular movies, etc. Maybe it was even in Chobits?
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